Weight loss injections

I'm giving this serious consideration after battling with the belly for 30 years with varying degrees of success. Weight Watchers helped me lose 5 or 6 stone on a couple of occasions but it inevitably creeps back on. I have tried every diet and plan going and given my other health issues, I need to do something to try and give me another decent 20 to 30 years of life. I don't think I'll get it through the NHS but if I can offset a good wedge of the cost by reducing my food and booze intake it has to be worth a shot...literally.

Go for it. I had my reservations but I’m 3 weeks in now and have no regrets. I’ve nearly lost a stone so far with minimal side effects. The odd bit of bloating when I ate too much and a little bit of tiredness (but that’s probably because I didn’t eat enough that day).
It has to be prescribed but you can get that online through quite a few companies. Boots being the big one (but expensive) then you have others which are quite a bit cheaper. I suppose it’s very big business.

The companies have pharmacists that check your online application and then make a decision.

The application process involves you completing a form which asks about your medical history, it asks for your height, weight and a few other bits. They will ask you to upload photos / video of you to make sure you are in need of the treatment.

Once approved they post it out to you. You get instructions in the pack how and where to inject. It sounds scary but you really can’t even feel the needle go in - it is tiny.

The whole process took me about 20 mins and I had a decision the following day. Drugs were dispatched the same day and I got them the day after.
Thanks for the info
Just to add, I've made an appointment withy GP to basically tell them I want to do this and check that they think it would be OK given my heart issues but I can't see why not. I know they won't put me on it themselves and I'll have to self-fund, which is fine. They've already offered to put me on the standard NHS weight management course which I know for a fact will be more of the same old "eat less, move more" dogma. And there's a waiting list of over a year...
Regarding the online pharmacies, do they base their decision on whether to supply purely on BMI, or are there other factors?
Let's say the threshold is a BMI greater than 30, and you are just over, will they stop supplying you the moment you come under 30 BMI or will they let you continue beyond?
Just thinking that if they pull the rug at 29 BMI it may promote yo-yo'ing.
Surely its more beneficial to get everyone back under 25 BMI?
Regarding the online pharmacies, do they base their decision on whether to supply purely on BMI, or are there other factors?
Let's say the threshold is a BMI greater than 30, and you are just over, will they stop supplying you the moment you come under 30 BMI or will they let you continue beyond?
Just thinking that if they pull the rug at 29 BMI it may promote yo-yo'ing.
Surely its more beneficial to get everyone back under 25 BMI?

I don’t know but I get the impression that they just dole it out to anyone who’s BMI is above normal.

I’m sure it’ll have to be tightened up going forward.
My missus’ friend took them. She’s got some serious weight problems and other issues related to her weight - which she says are unconnected to her weight. She’s sadly in denial.

They did work but when she did eat, she just seen it as a reason to eat rubbish and take aways etc. and didn’t try to change her lifestyle or diet.

Subsequently, she’s came off them and piled the weight back on + more.

She does have a few girls at work who are on them too but they’ve bought into a change in lifestyle etc. and it’s working every well for them. Just unsure on any side effects.
My missus is on this and doing well, but again she has commitee to a diet change away from rubbish like takeaways and mcds etc. She's also drinking stacks of water.

So it does work but it's not a magic bullet just a helping hand.
If you don’t mind me asking , if she has always eaten well but struggled with her weight , what has caused the weight loss with the drug ? Is it burning fat as I thought its main role was a hunger suppressant
I don’t mind you asking at all, from what I know she was always ‘big’ from adolescence through to adulthood. I’ve only been with her for the last 17 years but she’s always been around a size 18 - 22. This drug just basically stops her eating full stop, she will now have one meal and it will fill her up all day and with time she has learnt that the best time to eat is around 2pm and she’ll have nothing else. She is now a size 12-14 and looks and feels amazing.

The biggest benefit is her ability to now do proper exercise, she broken her ankle back in 2018 and really struggled, but she can do 10k walks and enjoys it.
I know a couple who take it but not sure which one.
Sit at desk all day, bacon bun or bar of chocolate, no exercise, take medication to stop you getting fat.
What could possibly go wrong?
They said they started walking, I suggested getting into parkrun and building up to a steady jog but they said running doesn’t agree with them.
Some adults struggle to understand how their body works.
I've watched a few of Mark Lewis' videos on youtube, and in small doses I find him amusing but anyway, having been fat in his late 30's he's now into fitness & ran himself fit via parkrun and now at 51 does Hyrox & challeneges like racing Olympic walkers for lols etc.

However he still struggles with disorderd eating and he recently piled on the pounds and so took Mounjaro and, as a youtuber, he's done a couple of videos about it:
Him trying it
The darkside ... ?
Had bodyscans to track what the weight loss was, musclemass or fat?
Mark Lewis has done his final video on it:
Three Months On A Fat Jab Was Enough | Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro ... An Easy Option?
Did he say what he lost on it, and what he started and ended at?

I've watched a few of his vids but not kept up to speed with him on this.
In the 3rd video he has a bodyscan & his weight is 109.2kgs & 22% body fat, and once the initial inspiration to get fit again after the scan wears off he continues to eat in a disordered fashion and a month later he says he was 114kgs. In the 1st vid he said at 6'6" he wasn't 'obese', so he slouched to 6'5" and now was, so that is c.115kgs and then he started Mounjaro.
So that all ties in.

After 9 weeks on Mounjaro he had another scan & was 99.5kgs & 15.7% body fat and only lost 2kg of lean muscle mass.
In the 4th & final video he doesn't give a final result but he didn't take an increasing dose & at the end was going 10 days between injections, effectively weaning himself off them after 3 months, so I'm not sure there'd be much more weight lost in the final 3+ weeks.

Possibly of more interest, I noticed via the adverts that pop up once you finish watching his videos that he isn't the only person in their house that has an interest in medical enhancements:1738581823697.png1738581747541.png1738581671944.png
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