Not a dietician etc, but from what I've read Wegovy/ Ozempic/ Semaglutide (Novo Nordisk) and Mounjaro (Eli Lilly) etc all will work (for most) as they suppress appetite. They could both do really big things with helping a lot of people.
But, my main concern is they could end up kind of like a fad diet, so that people will lose pounds and kg, but if you're not getting enough protein and retaining muscle mass then it could be a disaster long term. It's hard to get enough protein in at the best of times, and even harder when you're not hungry or calorie restricted. Losing 1kg of fat and 1kg of muscle is very bad compared to losing 1kg of fat and no muscle. Yet people champion the 2kg lost, over the 1kg lost, it's bad.
Being obese is already a long term disaster though, it causes about 20% of premature deaths in adults, it needs sorting out.
So, whilst these things will work, they seem to be more for emergencies only, as in people who are absolutely nowhere near being in half decent shape.
But, when people are not that far off, and by that I mean maybe a stone or two, then they're probably better off going for the much healthier option, of just controlling diet and having exercise.
Team RH are excellent on giving diet advice which will enable results to last, but it requires a change in mentality for most, which people won't do, especially if they're lazy. I've done this and it really works, but getting in 130-150g of protein is tough.
People really need to change their view on food, and understand what they're eating, or they go back to square 1, or even worse.