Still booing the taking the knee

And until people on this board can admit that Hamas is evil thats what I'll go with. Tell me it wasn't evil when on October 7th young Israeli women were tortured, raped, had their genitals mutilated, had their breasts cut off and kicked about like a football and then murdered. All at the hands of Hamas.
Hamas isn’t Palestine and one terrorist attack is in no way justification for genocide.
Hamas isn’t Palestine and one terrorist attack is in no way justification for genocide.
Yes I'm quite aware of that however Hamas does represent the Palestinian people.
I'm clear in my condemnation of Netenyahu and the Israeli State for the atrocities committed in Gaza and against the Palestinian people.
However it's disappointingly obvious that a number of posters on this board find it difficult to condemn the barbaric attack by Hamas on 7th October and instead want to turn the discussion into a pi$$ing contest.
Yes I'm quite aware of that however Hamas does represent the Palestinian people.
I'm clear in my condemnation of Netenyahu and the Israeli State for the atrocities committed in Gaza and against the Palestinian people.
However it's disappointingly obvious that a number of posters on this board find it difficult to condemn the barbaric attack by Hamas on 7th October and instead want to turn the discussion into a pi$$ing contest.

There is similarity with IRA popularity here.
Pre Bloody Sunday the IRA was on its knees and a peripheral (at best) group.
We know what happened next

Pre Oct 7th Hamas was similarly unpopular (I’ve read around 15-20% of Palestinians were supportive)
Since the then, popularity in the West Bank has risen dramatically.

I can’t find anything about those in Gaza
Erm.. what are the two options here?
The options are as they always were to choose which political gestures you support and make at football, or to make none at all as a matter of principle, because sports should transcend that. I think football was better when it made none at all. Even when it gave grief to those political gestures that had almost universal local support, like all the poppy stuff in GB (well, apart from Celtic Park, obviously). I think football made a mistake letting that principle go. And I think you were seeing the consequences of that in this debate.
As much as I think people can fly flags if they want, I don’t really understand the motive for doing so at a football match with zero profile in Palestine or Israel. Happy for them to do it, but don’t really get why.
The options are as they always were to choose which political gestures you support and make at football, or to make none at all as a matter of principle, because sports should transcend that. I think football was better when it made none at all. Even when it gave grief to those political gestures that had almost universal local support, like all the poppy stuff in GB (well, apart from Celtic Park, obviously). I think football made a mistake letting that principle go. And I think you were seeing the consequences of that in this debate.
Political gestures are an integral part of sport..
The playing of any national anthem before a game is massively political.
Having a team playing under the name of our town in political.. the badge.. the coloured shirts.. the professional footballers..the national team.. it’s where folks choose to recognise it or not. Some politics are alright.. I guess.. unless they don’t align with what certain fans stand for.

Anti Muslim, Racist.. right wing politics.
That sums things up on here people back flying the Palestinian flag yet the Union Jack or playing the national anthem is frowned upon. :(
Racist nationalists have ruined the union jack.. again! The national anthem the same.. although the royals have given it a good go aswell.