Genuinely think he needs sacking

I think that Sheff Wed draw has been massively detrimental. Similar to the Huddersfield game a couple of seasons ago, we’ve look bereft of confidence and composure since then.

Yeah, I just think it's in their head now. They can never be secure however big the lead. And every time the opposition equalises they have to drag themselves back up again.

Not blaming LL for what has happened but if he'd rolled in Doak at 3-0 I reckon we'd be 10pts+ better off now. Fine margins.
Yeah, I just think it's in their head now. They can never be secure however big the lead. And every time the opposition equalises they have to drag themselves back up again.

Not blaming LL for what has happened but if he'd rolled in Doak at 3-0 I reckon we'd be 10pts+ better off now. Fine margins.

That game has certainly done some damage.
Yeah, I just think it's in their head now. They can never be secure however big the lead. And every time the opposition equalises they have to drag themselves back up again.

Not blaming LL for what has happened but if he'd rolled in Doak at 3-0 I reckon we'd be 10pts+ better off now. Fine margins.

Oh man. Sliding doors isn’t it?😏
How’s that worked out for us
And since 2009, 15 of the last 16 years has seen us spend one year in the Premiership and change Managers [including caretakers] 15 [fifteen] times!
This "sack the manager" cry is like giving a gambling addict another chip for the roulette wheel, hoping it will be the winner. But the more you feed the wheel, the chances of success lessens. I believe we have to stick with Michael Carrick.
I still firmly believe you cant equate the two professions as you are doing.

The barrier for sacking him by the way is the risk in upsetting any chance of making the playoffs. I still believe we will if we remain with Carrick and I am going on the evidence of what I was seeing in terms of effort on the pitch last night. I also believe that Gibson will agree.
Of course you can’t equate them.
All I’m saying is there are some similarities and keeping someone you know isn’t good enough is daft as n any world.

I think SG still believes (probably for the reasons you say)
There is a counter argument against of a ‘bounce’ with a new manager but it’s a risk too.

I’ve got my doubts about MC but I’m past getting too emotional.
We’ve repeated the “this guy’s not good enough, get someone else in” mantra over and over for at least 8 years now. And so far all of them have failed to get us anywhere close to the PL. I reckon stick with him at least for this season, I imagine by May he’ll have had enough if we fail yet again.
Haven’t been for a few, work has gotten in the way. The form isn’t great. Has the quality of the football deteriorated??
One thing that strikes me, it struck me as I haven’t been to many games is how weak we seem, physically, especially defending. I always believed that you sort your defence out first, that’s the priority, if so you can always nick games but if you ship goals/concede soft ones you’re fighting an uphill battle. We lack bite and have done for years. We need to be more aggressive, nastier even.
It can be very boring and repetitive to watch.

I’m about done with watching the defence recycle the ball between them before one of them decides to give it to the opposition for a laugh.
We’ve repeated the “this guy’s not good enough, get someone else in” mantra over and over for at least 8 years now. And so far all of them have failed to get us anywhere close to the PL. I reckon stick with him at least for this season, I imagine by May he’ll have had enough if we fail yet again.
This....I think Carrick will walk in May. I think he knows he's done.
I have a question.

In all the preparations for the game by all the professional coaches, who thought playing offside at the half way line was a good move against Isodor? Who has shown time and again this season he is quick. How wasn't this looked at fgs.

Less said about Ayling the better he has been shot all season
Why can some only see risk and not reward?

Of course in sacking Carrick we risk the chancel of Carrick inspiring a turnaround , making the play offs and winning promotion.
But we gain the chance of someone better, arriving and having an impact that increases our chances.

I see very little chance of Carrick ever inspiring success and certainly not this season.
I believe the bounce with the right manager gives us a better chance this season and gives them more chance of being fully prepared for next season.