The NHS contact-tracing app

A crime is committed, and the police have a fairly accurate time for the crime. They can trace everyones phone and find who was within a couple of meters of the proposed location. This straight away provides one of the 3 proofs a court needs to send you to jail.

This is an absolutely ludicrous post.
Why would they want to abuse your location though. What about all the other phones in the location. I imagine one of them phones might actually belong to the actual murderer who’s likely to have at least a little more evidence weighted towards them.

Or do you think because a person is spotted near the scene of a murder in a tin foil hat they may look a tad suspicious?
I agree that we are tracked all the time its how a lot of social media makes it money - you and me i.e. the users are the product particularly our data profile - free use of social media is the bait - Pre internet ITV ran the same model. but ITV did not know who was watching and when by individual user, but they had social profiles and total numbers of viewers and used that to sell advertising.

I used to work for a major telecoms manufacturer and remember visiting a brand new mobile phone exchange in 1990 in Leeds belonging to Vodafone. Even then they tracked every Vodafone user by individual phone, in their exchange range. Also if you watch the C4 programme called Hunted? where you try to avoid capture in modern Britain once you switch on a phone, use a bank card or go past a CCTV camera you are likely to get caught. Its a 2 edged sword - it can help your security if the good guys want you, but not if the bad guys do.

Personally I am OK with the app for CV19 , if it is very reliable and is used with human contact tracing and people are fully aware of its limitations and issues, and its voluntary. This £250m for Dominic Cummins mate/relative is another issue to me which seriously concerns me from a financial and personal ethics point of view.
To be honest I don't even know where to begin. I mean a couple of posts below we have a thread about a speaker that listens to your conversations, which people have in their homes so they don't have to get up from the couch to turn their lights off. And then we've got this one, about an app to try and resume some sort of society without their being thousands of deaths and we've got people being locked up because they were in the vicinity of someone committing a crime.
To be honest I don't even know where to begin. I mean a couple of posts below we have a thread about a speaker that listens to your conversations, which people have in their homes so they don't have to get up from the couch to turn their lights off. And then we've got this one, about an app to try and resume some sort of society without their being thousands of deaths and we've got people being locked up because they were in the vicinity of someone committing a crime.
Your making **** up sheriff - That is not what I said. I said your location provides one of the proofs required to convict someone of a crime, but crack on. I do this for a living, I know what I am talking about.
If the app is passed as being compliant with GDRP then I would hope that the fact that it has been made by one of Cummins's associates wouldn't stop people from downloading and using it.
To be honest, I won't be going anywhere other than work and the supermarket for the foreseeable so that'll be where I'll pick up the virus if I ever do so and I'd like to think that I could inform anyone I would possibly infect.
To be honest I don't even know where to begin. I mean a couple of posts below we have a thread about a speaker that listens to your conversations, which people have in their homes so they don't have to get up from the couch to turn their lights off. And then we've got this one, about an app to try and resume some sort of society without their being thousands of deaths and we've got people being locked up because they were in the vicinity of someone committing a crime.

I've no issue with my Google home devices, I use Twitter and Facebook and have an Xbox One at home too. All collect personal data which is then sold to advertising and marketing.
If downloading the app means I can help or/and get out of the house and go see my parents then I'm downloading as using it is the same as using the devices above from a moral standpoint.
I would absolutely not download the app. I would not let my children and I’d recommend my family not to.
I presume it would not be mandatory.
The difference between this and other apps, social media etc is that you sell your soul to them for use of the product.
They don’t handshake with other devices to see who you are in the location of/with.
It is basically state sponsored spying.
That’s my view.
It’s personal opinion.
The idea of microchips being implanted though is a different story.
br14 you have missed the point about triangulation from cell towers v the proposed tracing app. That is, your google data is available to the government only through a court order or the individuals agreement. The contact tracing app will be sending your data to government in the event you are infected and/or come into contact with someone who is infected. There is a big difference.

By all means download the app when it's available and do your bit, I wouldn't be so ready to call someone crazy in a post as technically innacurate as the one you provided.

If you genuinely believe that your locations data and who you come into contact with should reasonably be shared with the government then crack on.

Let me give you one example of where the data can be misused:

A crime is committed, and the police have a fairly accurate time for the crime. They can trace everyones phone and find who was within a couple of meters of the proposed location. This straight away provides one of the 3 proofs a court needs to send you to jail.

Which one of the 3 proofs does it provide?
That is not a proof. These are the proofs

Proof beyond a reasonable doubt, preponderance of the evidence and clear and convincing evidence.
More relevant now than ever.
Not just about a single app on the Isle of White - the consequencies have nothing to do with "Ive done nothing wrong" is a con.
Those who bury their heads in the sand will be the ones who protest their right to liberty when they realise its been eroded or taken away completely.