Tell the truth, or a lie, about a celebrity

I washed the pots (plates, pots n pans etc) from a dinner of about thirty people with Vanessa Redgrave.

The day after an impromptu stag night for my brother, whilst seriously hung over I had to hang someone, off a chandelier. When I'd finished that I was introduced to Venessa Redgrave, who was stark naked. We had a little chat and she went on her way!
I went to Frank Bruno's wedding
I once gave frank bruno a lift back to his hotel in Durham one night from Sunderland, I had Eddie Kidd in the passenger seat who was pis**d as a 💨 he was screaming at Eddie because he kept pulling the handbrake up while we were on the dual carriageway doing about 70. Eddie had to run off when they got out of the car because frank was going to punch him.
At a lunch with Grayson Perry, I told him that I really didn't like men in red trousers. He was ok with that (mainly because he was in floral). Nice bloke though and quite a good dancer
After being stuck in London traffic for 2hrs I tooted the car horn at a taxi in South Kensington which had pulled up blocking the road with my finish line 100m up the road. I was told to wait by a well suited burly guy but continued to beep the horn asking the driver to pull over to the amusement of the taxi driver and his young lady passenger. With these two giggling it made me all the worse and I tooted the horn again. The suited guy turns round from his position of the steps and indicates and mouths to me one minute. I toot the horn again and he again breaks from speaking on the house intercom to indicate to me to wait for one minute. He then comes down the steps, opens up the taxi door and lets Princess Diana out of the taxi. Diana nods at me, gives a little wave and makes her way into the now open house door. I am looking at her with my mouth wide open and then look at the taxi driver for confirmation it is her. The taxi driver nods whilst the armed bodyguard still scowls at me.
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Jordan asked me while she was eating a Whopper and fries on a flight from Heathrow to Teesside if I would move seats so that her companion could sit next to her instead of me.
Bonnie Tyler got her @rse handed to her by one of my ex girlfriends in a pub in the Mumbles once. Was a hell of a fight.
Rishi Sunak and his party got turned away from the Coach House Restaurant at Middleton Lodge.
Harry Secombe told me to 'f*ck off' once at Beamish Open Air Museum.

Edit: Both of mine are 100% true.
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