India Covid Situation - Big Improvement

Friends working in India are telling a very different story to what you see in the media - quelle surprise.

Nobody is dying in cars.

The images they are using are from explosions 18 months ago in the media.

You are being lied to.

I've spent the last year and a bit researching.

When the American election audit is done, you'll start to see what this is all really about.

You’ve spent the last year and a bit researching…..and yet you are so completely and utterly incorrectly informed, I can’t even decide if you are just on a wind up!
If you’ve really been ‘researching’ for all that time… I’m afraid to tell you that you’ve completely wasted your time.
Who will pay for this in-depth clinical trial when the drug is out of patent ? Simple question
Governments? Charities? Basically anyone with the wealth who believes in it. Can you not see the craziness of having to argue both for the efficacy of the vaccines that have completed clinical trials whilst also trying to tell people to be cautious of untrained medicine. These people are usually the same people and I can't understand the hypocrisy of their position.
Governments? Charities? Basically anyone with the wealth who believes in it. Can you not see the craziness of having to argue both for the efficacy of the vaccines that have completed clinical trials whilst also trying to tell people to be cautious of untrained medicine. These people are usually the same people and I can't understand the hypocrisy of their position.
Yeah, ok.
What's wrong? Where are the trials for its use with Covid? Its success rate seems a lot lower?
There are seemingly quite a few known side effects with it (no idea on the detail though)?
Does it help prevent transmission? Does it work on Delta?
Where are the trails, and real-life uses for Covid?

I appreciate it's been used to treat other conditions and I've got nothing against the medicine, seems good if it's proven to work, I assume there's been some papers done on it?
Forget all that.

You are asking wrong questions.

Its a cheap drug. That's all I'm saying. 😉
You really are a doyle. Map up and get yourself down James cook and go talk to some doctors (or even nurses if the doctors scare you), stop being scared of a little needle and think about someone else for a change.
I don’t need to map up, I’ve had first had experience from my Mrs who’s ward became a Covid ward fairly early on in all of this. I know the profiles of all your average Covid victims, they’re almost exclusively 80 or above, they quite often are already gravely ill i.e. they have a terminal illness or other serious underlying health issues. They’re not healthy people who suddenly take gravely ill and die. Those are all FACTS - you either seem unable or unwilling to accept that for some reason. I suppose it’s understandable to an extend when the media have spent the last 18 months bombarding everyone 24/7 that this is some kind of apocalypse - it’s not. Anyway I’m done with this, there’s no point trying to reason with anyone who refuses to listen

HCQ doesn’t work. The studies on IVM aren’t good enough to say it’s safe and effective.
On this thread someone states the government approved its use in India, but it was already being handed out in covid emergency treatment packages well before that. So why didn’t it suppress the peak?
I don’t need to map up, I’ve had first had experience from my Mrs who’s ward became a Covid ward fairly early on in all of this. I know the profiles of all your average Covid victims, almost exclusively 80 or above, they quite often are already gravely ill i.e. they have a terminal illness or other serious underlying health issues. They’re not healthy people who suddenly take gravely ill and die. Those are all FACTS - you either seem unable or unwilling to accept that for some reason. I suppose it’s understandable to an extend when the media have spent the last 18 months bombarding everyone 24/7 that this is some kind of apocalypse - it’s not. Anyway I’m done with this, there’s no point trying to reason with anyone who refuses to listen


I know of 6 people who died from covid.
5 from, not with.
1 with, not from. But she undoubtedly wouldn’t have died when she did, if she didn’t have covid.
Not one of them was over the age of 80.
Only 2 were 70 +

1 had significant comorbities, but they weren’t significant enough that he couldn’t hold down full time work.
3 had fairly minor comorbidities. But hey, does being diabetic or obese or asthmatic mean it’s ok to die 20, 30, 40 yrs ahead of your time?

I know 2 people who were in ICU because of covid.
Both were otherwise fit and healthy. They were in their early 60s.
One now walks with a zimmer frame but is just grateful for being here, having been in a medically induced coma and intubated for 6 weeks.
The other chap has been in and out of hospital for 3 months with various chest issues and pain.

I know 5 people who were hospitalised (not icu).
1 in their 60s.
2 in their mid 30s (one was fit and sporty, one was a chubster)
2 in their 40s.

I know 3 people in their 20s who were completely bed ridden for between 3 and 5 days. All fit, healthy, active younguns.

That said, I also know a family member in his 70s considered extremely vulnerable having battled cancer for a decade, who had covid and was completely asymptomatic.

My wife and several of our close family and best friends work frontline NHS and GP across 4 hospital sites of varying size and locations throughout the South, and they all have different stories of how their hospital/surgery was impacted.

It’s a simplistic and naive view to measure the impact of covid just by death.

That is all fact.

Which is completely at odds with your ‘fact’ that covid victims (for want of a better term) “almost exclusively 80 or above, they quite often are already gravely ill i.e. they have a terminal illness or other serious underlying health issues.”
It also completely ignores, and insults all those young frontline NHS staff who lost their lives trying to help those 80yr old plus patients survive. Many of them were young (30,40,50 yr olds) ‘healthy people who did suddenly take gravely ill and die.

Point is, people have had different experiences and just because YOU only know anecdotal tales of old, extremely ill people dying from covid, it doesn’t mean everybody else has had the same experience. There are many posters on here who will know more people who have lost their lives than I do, or who have struggled since with long covid and likewise, many who won’t.

But for you to even say that ‘almost exclusively 80…’ sentence above shows you’ve really not been doing the research into this that you think you have. But then again, your anti-vax stance also illustrates that.

I think there are many decent people out there, like yourself, who will look back in time at this pandemic abd think ‘man, I got that wrong, didn’t I? Those grifters played me well and truly’.

I know I certainly do, regarding when I thought the likes of Yeadon, Gupta and Heneghan should be taken seriously…
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HCQ doesn’t work. The studies on IVM aren’t good enough to say it’s safe and effective.
On this thread someone states the government approved its use in India, but it was already being handed out in covid emergency treatment packages well before that. So why didn’t it suppress the peak?
One thing at a time....
Ivermectin is safe, it's been around for decades and has had more than 4 billion doses. The current arguments around its safety are deliberately misleading, basically around the amount, the same as saying paracetamol is not safe if you take a dose meant for a horse.
As for its effectiveness with covid, I don't see why it can't be used along with vaccines even if it is only 5% effective
The emergency treatment packages were exactly that, to treat people that had covid, Ivermectin also seems to be effective as a prophylactic and it is only in the last month or so that they have been using it in this way, i.e. to prevent covid, not just to lessen the symptoms or the duration.
Neither, for different reasons.
But I believe Devi is far less sinister than Heneghan, who is a massive part of the problem.
Devi is part of a different problem.
Oh she's very sinister.

One is a glorified nutritionist and the other is a practicing doctor and an expert in epidemiology. Yes he's got things wrong and he'd probably be the first to admit it, she flip flops in whatever direction the public is swaying. One is also on TV a lot more than the other for reasons that have nothing to do with covid.
Oh she's very sinister.

One is a glorified nutritionist and the other is a practicing doctor and an expert in epidemiology. Yes he's got things wrong and he'd probably be the first to admit it, she flip flops in whatever direction the public is swaying. One is also on TV a lot more than the other for reasons that have nothing to do with covid.
He hasn’t admitted a single thing! He’s been absolutely shameful throughout! Hes completely discredited himself and is almost completely discounted by his peers now. He’s part of the same gang thar are conning the public.

As for Devi, I’ve never paid her any attention to be honest.
He hasn’t admitted a single thing! He’s been absolutely shameful throughout! Hes completely discredited himself and is almost completely discounted by his peers now. He’s part of the same gang thar are conning the public.

As for Devi, I’ve never paid her any attention to be honest.
Conning the public?





I actually don’t see a lot wrong with what Fauci said then, back in Feb 2020.
Don’t think that email makes any particularly pertinent point.

I am not surprised that the models aren’t correct. They are out of date as soon as they are published. It’s to be expected in a situation with so many variables at play, such as vaccination uptake, efficacy, transmission following vaccination, mobility, weather etc.
There is a lot of context and detail missing from that handy-to-share-around image. It‘s designed to paint a picture without any content or detail to suck people into following a certain narrative. it looks like something Joel Smalley or those other complete con-artists at Hart would post.

Anyway, not getting drawn (any further😂) into this particular debate today though. Have a good day mate. The sun is out 👍