How much alcohol do you consume?

Am trying to be a controlled drinker rather than a binge drinker at the moment, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't! Best not to beat yourself up too much about it when you have too much, but treat that as a warning that you need to reign it in! Sensible drinking, couple of pints couple of times a week, seems to work if you can recognise your triggers and think before you start. Good to have a decent break every now and then as that reduces tolerance and acts as a reset. Much more cons to drinking than pros but there still something nice about the odd beer in the right situation. It's easier to stop than to cut down tbf!
I actually gave it up just before my heart attack and bypass last year, but now I have a couple of drinks a night 3 or 4 nights a week and mix in some low-alcohol/alcohol free or soft drinks. I find any more than 2 or 3 drinks makes my heart race and I really don't miss hangovers.
Used to drink 5 nights a week. Either a bottle of wine in the house or if I went out at a weekend I would binge 10 Pints+.
Approximately 3 months ago, after a ridiculous 48 Hour session where I realised I couldn't control my drinking, I decided to reduce massively. Since then I have only drank once which was at a wedding. I drove and had a welcome drink on arrival and a glass of wine with my lunch. I was a bit apprehensive to how I would find a dry(ish) wedding but I actually really enjoyed it. I'm not going to be 100% tee total going forward but I will limit myself to special occasions and probably holidays. I will also drink much smaller amounts than I did in the past.

Following on from another thread about how it has changed peoples lives by quitting…what did you do to replace the void?

To replace the void, I concentrate on getting to bed a bit earlier so I can get up at 5am for a gym session before work. I find this gives me more time on an evening and enjoy it more than a bottle of wine on a night.

Since giving up I have also started running my sons football team, so I coach them two evenings and have a match on a Sunday morning. I genuinely don't think I could do the latter with a hangover.
None for last couple of years, & have just started to try the zero alcohol lagers.. Peroni & Stella are both good.. just like the alcohol versions, without hangovers & health impact..
I was ready to break my duck (more than 2 years for me now) when England were in the Euros final. I promised myself a little celebration.... and the rest is history!
None for last couple of years, & have just started to try the zero alcohol lagers.. Peroni & Stella are both good.. just like the alcohol versions, without hangovers & health impact..
Still cannot understand why we don't have alco free on draft, been like it for years in certain parts of Spain.
Interesting that quite a few don't drink at all, more than I would have expected.

My drinking varies massively from virtually none each week to 2 or 3 times a week. If I am watching football at home I will have 2 or 3 cans. If I go to my local club I may have 5 pints over a slightly longer time.

If I go out on a Friday night, about 7. It does vary quite a bit though, I will be quite dry over the summer as no football to speak off. Footie and a beer just seem to go well for me. Oddly enough at a stadium, its one before and, maybe, one at halftime. The atmosphere replaces the booze.
It's been easier for me as I don't drink much, and my wife is practically teetotal. Good that the temptation to join her isn't there. Certainly do not miss the hangovers - the older I've got the more intolerable they are. If I fancy a drink I'll have one, no guilt, but as has been said the taste is different. The thought of going into town and getting hammered .......😖😖
Less than the government guidelines, so not a lot, but what I do drink I really enjoy.
I've seen alcoholism close up, and I've always been keen never to go there.
I had stopped drinking about 20 years ago. I was happy to be the driver and drank diet coke instead. Really didn't miss it, but not sure that the amount of coke that I drank was good for me.
I have decided to enjoy a drink again, but have a very low tolerance of alcohol. A couple of pints is fine, I have no intention of binging or getting to hangover territory.
When I quit I presumed that I would need to fill the void - I rememebr asking on here What is the best Alcohol Free beer and wine. For a while I bought nonsecco, Heineken 0.0 etc etc but it really wasn't needed. Now I am as happy with a bottle of sparkling water.

When I was drinking I always wondered if I was an alcoholic - I didn't do things by half - it was all or nothing (although I do carry that particular trait into everything that I do).
I definitely drank too much during lockdown, but more in terms of frequency (multiple days a week) than quantity. Rarely have more than 2 or 3 in one sitting.

Stopped drinking to get drunk a long time ago, but do enjoy the taste of good quality beer so can't see me ever stopping completely. The alcohol free stuff tastes terrible. Would rather just have a coke or something.

Last couple of months or so I've cut back a lot, only having a couple one day a week or one day a fortnight. And I've felt better for it, can see why people stop altogether.

Suspect if summer ever properly arrives my consumption will go up a bit. Can't beat a cold one sat in the sun. The other 50 weeks of the year I'll probably continue to mostly lay off it bar special occasions now.
None for last couple of years, & have just started to try the zero alcohol lagers.. Peroni & Stella are both good.. just like the alcohol versions, without hangovers & health impact..

Never really been a lager drinker myself, but the improved quality of alcohol free beers has certainly contributed to my reduction.

I rarely drank enough to be hungover, but I don't miss that feeling of being slightly jaded the day after a few.
The other thing that's really struck me since I cut down is how boring and bland the conversation of those who've had a few can be.
Nothing Monday to Thursday. 3 or 4 cans on a Friday, occasionally the same on Saturday. I do occasionally have a big binge, but that’s every few months rather than weekly like it used to be.
When I worked offshore I use to love going 21 days without any alcohol. As I'm back home working now, I've had to consciously get into better habits. I could easily end up drinking too many days in a week. I tend to have nothing Monday - Thursday, then have some wine on a Friday night with food. I'll have a few beers on a Saturday and on a Sunday afternoon. I rarely get smashed and always drink water between each alcoholic drink.

I look at alcohol consumption as part of my whole lifestyle. I eat really well, don't snack in-between meals and run three times a week plus do press-ups and squats, so my weight and general fitness is good. I also drink plenty of water which is important and don't have sugary foods or drinks (other than booze of course!).

I enjoy a beer or glass of wine so will never stop.
I will be honest and say that I drink every single night.
Way too much but I have Brands Hatch for a mind so the lesser of two evils.
I am working on my fitness and hope to stay off the drink at least a couple of nights a week some time in the future. But it aint happening soon :)
I love drinking but don't drink much. I will have 3 to 3.5 pints on a Friday or Saturday night. Over the course of a week I may have a bottle of red wine and half a bottle of Cava. Only get drunk on special occasions, so perhaps once or twice a year. I have no intention of giving up.