How can Oasis sell all those stadiums out at £150 a go?


Well-known member
Are they fake sales or is it legit?

Was going to put this in with the Captain Tom and Wagatha Christie thing - but perhaps not. It's still a bit puzzling though. Few would disagree that 'Britpop' and the 1990s were pretty bad, but it seems Oasis have caught a massive wave of nostalgia. Perhaps a new generation of fans as well.
Are they fake sales or is it legit?

Was going to put this in with the Captain Tom and Wagatha Christie thing - but perhaps not. It's still a bit puzzling though. Few would disagree that 'Britpop' and the 1990s were pretty bad, but it seems Oasis have caught a massive wave of nostalgia. Perhaps a new generation of fans as well.
“The 90s were pretty bad” - what just generally or musically?
My son and his mates got tickets. They were 5 when Whats the story was released. Think its the chance to see Music giants play.
Are they fake sales or is it legit?

Was going to put this in with the Captain Tom and Wagatha Christie thing - but perhaps not. It's still a bit puzzling though. Few would disagree that 'Britpop' and the 1990s were pretty bad, but it seems Oasis have caught a massive wave of nostalgia. Perhaps a new generation of fans as well.
You clearly don't understand how big oasis are
Are they fake sales or is it legit?

Was going to put this in with the Captain Tom and Wagatha Christie thing - but perhaps not. It's still a bit puzzling though. Few would disagree that 'Britpop' and the 1990s were pretty bad, but it seems Oasis have caught a massive wave of nostalgia. Perhaps a new generation of fans as well.
I'm glad you've started an Oasis thread 👍
I thought nobody was going to mention them on here 👶
Are they fake sales or is it legit?

Was going to put this in with the Captain Tom and Wagatha Christie thing - but perhaps not. It's still a bit puzzling though. Few would disagree that 'Britpop' and the 1990s were pretty bad, but it seems Oasis have caught a massive wave of nostalgia. Perhaps a new generation of fans as well.
The 90’s was a pretty decent year for music. I used to be into the house scene late 80’s early 90’s starting at Havana and venturing to Basics etc when the house scene split into different genres. I was never into the Indie scene but grew to Enjoy it.. I went to see Oasis at the Reebok and thought they were fantastic.. I was queuing today for tickets for 6 hours and got kicked out at the end. Unfortunately, like everything else whether it’s fake or legit.. we are all getting ripped off to some tune by these big corporate companies. We’ll be watching videos of the gigs next year full of celebrities and politicians whilst the real fans are sat at home.
TBF at least you’re consistent re the 90s.

They are not my favourite band from the 90's but some of their songs are iconic and made to be sung together in a crowd in a euphoric way - which is their selling point. As Noel said himself the house scene profoundly affected him and the feeling of being in people who were just happy together was something he managed to capture in his songwriting and put into a rock/ guitar context .
They are not only a band for the 90's but now, people need to feel together and happy despite everything.
Are they fake sales or is it legit?

Was going to put this in with the Captain Tom and Wagatha Christie thing - but perhaps not. It's still a bit puzzling though. Few would disagree that 'Britpop' and the 1990s were pretty bad, but it seems Oasis have caught a massive wave of nostalgia. Perhaps a new generation of fans as well.
The 90s had some great acts but i really cant see the fuss over oasis.
Like them or not they were a massive band in the 90s and would sell out big venues every tour they did. Add to that there's a new wave of fans as well now so it's hardly a surprise this tour would sell out.

Someone also made a good point on here a few days ago as well, life is pretty **** for a lot of people in this country at the moment. The economy is an absolute mess, you need to be a millionaire to afford a holiday or a bag of chips, we had the race riots recently and the country feels like a nasty divided place at times.

Look at the typical age range for mental health problems and suicide in men and that'll be the typical age range of people who'll be buying tickets for gigs like this.

A lot of people just want something to look forward to and to go and have a good time, who doesn't have nostalgia for their youth for a lot of people the 90s were a great decade to live in. Look at this area, they were more jobs, property was more affordable and the town was buzzing on a weekend.

I know Oasis aren't for everyone but I don't get the sneering and looking down the nose at people that goes on on this board.