To all the 2019 Tory voters...

OK I will concede that in his warped mind he may hope that something might happen before a new leader is appointed and he will be welcomed back.

I think that's the point. You can't judge him by "normal" standards and behaviour. He's on another planet.

Anyone else and I'd agree with you. It would be far fetched.
I'm not sure if you've picked up that I agree with you. Even if you voted tory I agree with this statement pal. This constant want and need to call tory voters thick and so on is a huge issue. I'm desperate for a Labour Government, but people shouldn't be called out for exercising theor democratic rights, or having alternative views / opinions. The fact is that something about Labour has turned people off for a very long time. it isn't just people falling for the narrative of the tories, its also a problem with Labour and us Labour supporters, encapsulated by the insults thrown out on a regular basis, social medianis always awash with it, and whenever you read mesaage boards and social comms you'd be forgiven for thinking a Labour landslide was on the way during previous elections. Then sure as day turns to night, the silent millions who are shamed into silence through insults, and being called thicknrletc go out and vite tory!! The tories voters do this too (throw insults, particularlyto corbyn fans), but its high time we just inform people what an alternative government can do to improve things for tory voters instead of this constant political shaming, and threads titled "to all those who voted Conservative" or to all those who wanted brexit". Why don't we try to get through to people without getting theor backs up!!! Kier starmer seems to be getting a grip on this now which is great!!!
Very fair and well constructed post - thank you.
I was making the point , that you have also highlighted, that posters should be treat with respect regardless of their political persuasions.
I very rarely get drawn into the political threads, mainly because I'm no where near as articulate or knowledgeable as many on here - I tend to stick to Boro related and music threads, even the cheesy stuff posted by my good mate @Erimus74 !
Very fair and well constructed post - thank you.
I was making the point , that you have also highlighted, that posters should be treat with respect regardless of their political persuasions.
I very rarely get drawn into the political threads, mainly because I'm no where near as articulate or knowledgeable as many on here - I tend to stick to Boro related and music threads, even the cheesy stuff posted by my good mate @Erimus74 !
Just like this beauty @Erimus11

WTF is that supposed to mean. I have read books about Jack The Ripper, it does not make me a serial killer, or about Cambodia under Pol Pot it does not make me want to commit genocide.

Not even gonna bother with the rest of the twaddle you posted but had to mention that as its wins the nonsense of the day award. Well done.
Are you telling me if a Tory came into Parliament with a copy of mein kampf you would not think it’s worth calling them out on it ?

Suit yourself