Thanks all....


Well-known member
... I have posted on here during my darkest places and have had the most horrendous few years. I finally feel I am starting to come out of the blackness. It will not and has not been easy and I just want to say thanks to people who read my often ramblings. I now know my triggers and have things in place to deal with my dark times now. Still not easy, but easier...

Plus, to say to other people who feel the same way, stick with the self care and you will come out of the other side of this horrible place. You don't need to go to the gym 8 times a week or be a yoga master but look after you.

I've read a few books on this ***** and 2 are stand outs. Sam Delaney - Sort your head out
And Matt Haig - Reasons to stay alive.

They are moments where you realise, this is something you are not alone with and basically alcohol and prescription medication do not work, well not for me.
Being able to talk about it to a plethora of strangers is very brave indeed mate. Hope things continue to improve for you. Good luck for the future.
The support, empathy and understanding (and the range of personal experiences of members) of mental health challenges shown by posters on here is one of its most amazing attributes.

Who would've thought a football message board (stereotypically full of "blokes" who keep their struggles to themselves) would be such a supportive place.

Don't suppose you'd get this on COB lol?

@sadgit great post! Glad things are on the up, but remember to keep posting if things ever take a downswing too.
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That's great news to hear....I've recently had to go the docs and have a good chat as I have basically been surviving not living for a few years now....always had anxiety due to childhood trauma but had my own coping mechanisms which seem to slowly stop working until I finally realised I needed, wanted and had to get help. Thankfully a few months in and things are already a lot brighter
And we are back. 2 days in my car and 2 days of no food. Stayed at South Gare and looked at ways of ending it. I drank again to mask the pain, my wife found out. She is sick of me and so am I. I need help but don't know where to go. I am skint and already been on a NHS waiting list for 2 years.
And we are back. 2 days in my car and 2 days of no food. Stayed at South Gare and looked at ways of ending it. I drank again to mask the pain, my wife found out. She is sick of me and so am I. I need help but don't know where to go. I am skint and already been on a NHS waiting list for 2 years.
Thankfully you didn't end it and you're aware you need help so you're on the right path mate.

I don't know you but I know people who have had similar experiences and the ones who sought help, survived.

Not knowing the situation between you and your wife, is marriage counselling an option? I assume you have already had 1-2-1 counselling yourself.

As always, The Samaritans are a good starting point (again, don't know your past history.) Just talking to someone can help. If you can't speak to your wife or a friend, helplines like The Samaritans will always have someone on hand to listen.

Obviously drinking is a problem, especially to mask the pain. If you haven't tried Alcoholics Anonymous, that might be a good place to start. Alcoholism is a horrible disease, with a totally undeserved stigma attached to it.

I wish you all the best and hope you get through this. Having suffered the black cloud myself, I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.
Stay strong sadgit. The good times will return as they have before. I've had bad times myself as have many others on here. When you're in a deep depression you can't see the light but trust me it is there and this will pass. Keep talking on here mate 👍.
And we are back. 2 days in my car and 2 days of no food. Stayed at South Gare and looked at ways of ending it. I drank again to mask the pain, my wife found out. She is sick of me and so am I. I need help but don't know where to go. I am skint and already been on a NHS waiting list for 2 years.
Just keep talking, we're all listening. You didn't end it...there's a reason why floating around in your mind and that's a positive thing to hold on to. Hour by hour if you need to but it Will get better x
I am open as hell about my mental health struggles. I need more help and I don't know where else I can go. Alcohol is my crutch. I haven't drank socially for 3.5 years. But I get peace from sleeping tablets and vodka. Makes me not die but makes me stay asleep. Mind are great but they also need paying for their counselling
I'm very glad you're still with us. You have friends on here, listen to their advice and keep trying any number of agencies you can find until you get the help you need and deserve. You matter, don't give up.
I am open as hell about my mental health struggles. I need more help and I don't know where else I can go. Alcohol is my crutch. I haven't drank socially for 3.5 years. But I get peace from sleeping tablets and vodka. Makes me not die but makes me stay asleep. Mind are great but they also need paying for their counselling
Has your doctor not given you any numbers to contact in your area for counselling as now you can self refer. My doctor gave me 3 and they are all free services