Sycamore Gap - Hadrian’s Wall - felled 😡🤬

Seems like a really clean cut.

I'll be surprised if it was just a 16 year old kid by himself managing that.

Same, he's got to have been helped or somehow very experienced with a chainsaw for such a young age. They've certainly known what they were doing with the angled cuts and it looks like they've pre-marked it out beforehand with spray paint.



Police arrest 16-year-old after Northumberland landmark felled

An arrest has been made in connection with the Sycamore Gap incident.

A full investigation has been launched after the Sycamore Gap Tree was allegedly felled overnight in what police believe was a deliberate act of vandalism. A range of enquiries are ongoing, with the support of partners, as officers look to ascertain the full circumstances surrounding the damage and identify anyone involved.

This afternoon (Thursday) officers have arrested a 16-year-old male in connection with the incident. He remains in police custody at this time and is assisting officers with their enquiries.

Trees are life - they give us Oxygen, and take Carbon out of our atmosphere. The soak up our flood waters and they shelter is. Many trees provide habitat for thousands of insects and birds. They give us fruits and nuts and food for birds. They improve our soil quality ands provide dead leaves for new soil and compost. They provide beauty around us and sometimes provide fuel and timber of homes and furniture. They do a lot for us.
I`m all for bringing down inappropriate statues, but not trees.
How does a 16 year old get hold of a professional chain saw and use it correctly to kill an emblem of natural beauty?
Surely, there were others involved?
It seems too big a job for one kid?
Or am I just being presumptuous?

Seen on Facebook:

The Sycamore’s Lament

Do not weep for me
A sycamore tree
I knew this day would come
You who have visited me
Shared your love and grief with me
My roots are still here
Though my branches are gone.

Come and stand for a while
And you may still hear
The wind playing soft through my leaves
As the birds sing their song
Of an old tree’s lament
Where I stood over 200 years.

Everything changes
All beauty must die
Or wither and fade or decay
And man must destroy
What he loves most in the world
Through anger, or greed and dismay.

So do not forget me
A sycamore tree
A symbol of ancient folklore
Remember a place where a great tree once stood
Now a gap with a Sycamore
No more.

Gail Lawler 28/09/2023
Wouldn't be surprised if he was helping someone older, possibly dad.... And then blabbed to his mates about it.

Might be just me but "helping police with their enquiries" doesn't sound like he was acting alone.