
It's definitely having an effect on me. I've vowed not to watch the news at all for the rest of the week to see if that is the cause.

I stopped watching news and current affairs programmes about 7 years ago mate and my life improved immediately. The news media is wall to wall doom. What I've seen over the last month is how lovely most folk are.

The media would have us believe that the world is a horrible, mean place and that we should react accordingly but by and large it's not so.

The only TV I watch these days are the occasional box set I've heard good things about - and that's about it. Any news I can catch on social media. My life is so much nicer since switching it all off and anyone who finds themselves despairing about the state of things generally, I'd urge you to try it too.
Massively struggling full stop but my sleep pattern is well and truly fecked

Only thing stopping me from putting a rope around my neck to end it all is that I can’t go out to B&Q to buy one.

We will be dealing with the mental health problems of this lockdown for years to Come. I hope they know what they are doing
You are probably more relaxed. My BP is noticeably lower than when I’m in the routine. It says a lot really - we are working for a shorter life
Massively struggling full stop but my sleep pattern is well and truly fecked

Only thing stopping me from putting a rope around my neck to end it all is that I can’t go out to B&Q to buy one.

We will be dealing with the mental health problems of this lockdown for years to Come. I hope they know what they are doing

Sorry to hear that Aet - keep talking / writing on here if it helps in any way - always good to talk (y)
I’m sleeping an hour or so later than normal up
around 7.45/8 but pretty broken sleep most nights, I seem to get off ok but then wake up around 1ish and 4.30 ish, no telly during the day and try and have a bit of a routine, but I guess not burning off the usual mental energy in the day is taking its toll.
Another one in the early morning wide awake club...I've been getting up and starting work as early as 3.30 am some days. Part of my problem is that I am 5 hours behind Head Office so the emails start coming from 2 a.m onwards. I always plan on going back to bed for a kip later but the workload usually puts paid to that. I'm getting loads done, but there always seems to be so much more to do!
Its the silence, i'm sleeping so much better its untrue.

the students in the street have gone home.

no cars going in and out from 05:00am, jockeying for car spaces, the amount of people who cant use a clutch correctly is untrue.

no doors slamming.

i can hear birds tweeting when i wake up, i had 2 blackbirds having a bath in me garden this morning, long may that aspect of life continue, perhaps there will be less car use after this.
Some nights can become mornings watching say a Netflix drama for 12 episodes. Its seems more natural to watch them in the dark than during the day.

As with Wilf its much quieter in the morning, no rush hour traffic to wake everyone up - when you live close to a busy road there is such a difference.
Massively struggling full stop but my sleep pattern is well and truly fecked

Only thing stopping me from putting a rope around my neck to end it all is that I can’t go out to B&Q to buy one.

We will be dealing with the mental health problems of this lockdown for years to Come. I hope they know what they are doing
its tough right now especially with the warm weather -how is it going for you, how was the weekend? You keeping busy?
Still struggling weekdays - weekend I tried a little cider on Saturday with the BBQ as that seemed to get me away easier when younger. It worked but hell of a head next morning so maybe not.

I don't feel I am doing enough despite a 1 hour walk outside / 40 mins on rower or cycle which I'm transporting outdoors whilst the weather is OK

I'm sure it's all in the mind but I'm starting to feel a little like I need to be outside more and more. Sure I'll get over it.
I’m sleeping but definitely not how I normally do, I’m not an anxious nervy sort of person but I do think the wall to wall Coronavirus coverage in the media must be having an effect on me.
Holgate years ago I worked at ICI for a couple of years and we were all foced to do a "Managing Stress" course. I like you am very laid back and don't get anxious. However one thing that stuck in my mind from the course, was that for most of us we don't recognise stress, that is why it is so dangerous.

So we are all probably suffering stress and most of us don't realise. Stress will play havoc with your sleep patterns.
i am walking. I have taken to doing solitary 2,3 hour walks across the public footpaths to the surrounding villages. I think I have walked about 80 miles in total since this crap started
bollox to the once a day and only for an hour nonsense though.

I’ve also visited my mother over the weejrnd. Like me she is lonely, anxious about losing her job, and suffers from depression. I am not going to apologise to any online self righteous do gooder for this.

As for community spirit not one of my neighbours has bothered to even acknowledge me in the street. Self obsessed idiots the lot of them.

Govt need to be held account for the ruination of relationships and livelihoods. Because I don’t think anyone cares.
It's not about being self righteous, or being a do gooder.
I genuinely hope you haven't taken anything to or from your Mother.
I miss seeing my elderly Dad who lives alone and now can't even get to see his wife of 61 years in the dementia home. I miss not seeing her too.
And my son who is down in Leeds etc etc.
There will be lots of issues to deal with later on as a result of isolation, but with a lot more people to deal with them.
It's not about being self righteous, or being a do gooder.
I genuinely hope you haven't taken anything to or from your Mother.
I miss seeing my elderly Dad who lives alone and now can't even get to see his wife of 61 years in the dementia home. I miss not seeing her too.
And my son who is down in Leeds etc etc.
There will be lots of issues to deal with later on as a result of isolation, but with a lot more people to deal with them.

do you honestly think I would have gone in if I thought I was a risk? Please just don’t. It’s about support. I’m ducking out of this thread now, knew i shouldn’t have mentioned this. **** only knows what to do for the best