Too many of them are. Anyone who's aim is to become a politician usually ends up like that. The people that we want leading us is people that are politician because that is the way to influence the change needed to achieve what they believe in. There are far too many of them that are there because they want to be a politician and they will flit from one situation to another like a carrier bag in a breeze.I'm old enough to remember when she was a ardent anti-monarchist and Liberal Democrat.
She's the male version of Simon Clarke in that she's willing to bend whatever principles she has upon the flash of a pound note.
@MolteniArcore is bang on. Once they have ruined their reputation as a serious politician (and not just politician because Fox, Barton, Hopkins etc are the same) they know that their income is going to be far higher by selling to the loony conspiracists than it will by any other method. They don't even have to believe any of it themselves, just sell the message convincingly. Most former PMs can command high fees for their place on boards and giving talks etc to serious businesses but the sort of person that can't beat a lettuce doesn't have many of those offers.