Our world beating variant

So next winter is the end of lockdown then?
I don’t envy anyone making the calls. There’s losers no matter which you look at it.

people should be drawing up plans and thinking how do we live with the virus like we live with the flu
“ is a scotch egg a substantial meal” do you remember all that? That wasnt the gvts doing!!
That was entirely the governments doing.

Clearly defining the rules makes it far easier to comply (and to identify those not complying).

Dominic Cummings breaking the rules was the turning point (at least one of the main ones) in how the public reacted to the rules. BUT clearer and more consistent rules would have made it more difficult to argue around the edges.

The scotch egg thing was a classic example of how this governement works to position itself as being apart from the problem.

How hard is it to define a substantial meal? How difficult would it have been to make sure all ministers knew exaxtly what that was? Why was one person (Gove I seem to recall) going to different media outlets with different definitions on the same day? It was deliberate.

Another governement might well (IMO would definitely) have handed the pandemic differently and the outcome would have been vastly improved. We can look at governements elsewhere to see how this could have worked so it's not as if we're in alternate-history territory.

Locking down sooner. Locking down more harshly. Supporting people through it. Preventing the spread of the virus via travel. All perfectly feasible and all happened elsewhere to good effect.

Blaming the public for not following a series of ever more labyrinthine rules is pathetic. Make the rules clear. Make the rules effective. It's not difficult (until you have to defend the indefensible a la Cummings).

Large numbers of the public have behaved badly and should be held responsible for their behaviour. The government have been appalling and should be blamed for the consequences of their lack of action. One doesn't exclude the other.
It's wait and see time. Silly trying to put a date on something like this.

My guess is that there will be gradual lifting starting in a couple of months time.

Patience is key.
I think it's widely accepted that its seasonal, hence its likely there will be some normality through the summer.

What happens next Autumn into winter is the big question - is a possibility that the vaccine programme will need to be annual?