No cinema in Sunderland

People can watch stuff at home, but if they walking from home too and have food ordered on their phone they may never leave the house - my home would start to feel like my prison.
People can watch stuff at home, but if they walking from home too and have food ordered on their phone they may never leave the house - my home would start to feel like my prison.
Luckily most houses come with front doors to allow you to leave. I've worked from home for 7 years and never once has my house felt like a prison, but if I wanted to get out the house, sitting in a room full of people for £20+ before food sounds like one of the dullest "getting out the house" experiences I could think of 😂
far far too many marvel comic book superhero nonsense films Oppenheimer is the first thing in ages i have thought would be worth watching.
Agree with this my daughter almost walked out of barbie at the showcase because it was so ridiculously loud.
I work on a fair few industrial sites so I'm used to noise & wearing hearing protection. It amazes me that no one ever seems to consider employees in bars as worthy of protection. I'm not quite sad enough to carry a sound level meter with me, but I've walked out of many places just because of the volume level.
P.s yes, I am an old fart, but not deaf yet.
I want to hear more :ROFLMAO:
Ok, was with friends and we were generally F***ing around, throwing things at each other. The guy in the row in front of ours turns around and says “c’mon lads, I really want to see this give it a rest” to which I replied “**** off”…. He still had his arm around his girlfriends shoulder, turned his head and calmly says “that’s enough, any more language like that in front of my friend and I’ll thump you” exact words. So in my wisdom thinking any bloke who uses the words “I’ll thump you” isn’t worth worrying about, so, I started to tell him to “**** off” again. If you can picture this bit… I got my bottom lip behind my front teeth, the. “F” from **** off was as far as I got…… BLAM!!!
He punched me on the end of my nose and I fell backwards, nose gushing.
I’m sat half slumped on my chair, the same bloke leans over picks me up and asks me if I’m ok. Says he’s sorry but he did warn me, asked me if I’m going to behave, I nod, half sobbing. To which he said “good lad” give me a handkerchief from his pocket, told me to blow my nose and watch the film.
The lesson is, just because someone is well spoken doesn’t mean they’re a doyle.
I go to the cinema every well and use my unlimited card together with meerkat movies to get the ‘free’ ticket. Normally like going to the cinema as it gets you out of the house and its something to do, however went to see Barbie (i know) yesterday and there were a group of around 10 mostly lasses (12-14 year olds) and they did nothing but talk loudly through the whole thing and constantly getting up and leaving the screen. People were shouting at them to shut up and eventually a member of staff had to sit in the screen with us for 20 mins. Never understand why people pay money to go to the cinema and then spend no time actually watching the film
Off the top of my head;

*it doesn't cost me £7.50 on certain days or more on others - an 8pm showing tonight showcase is £11.50, so for two adults that'd £23 before snacks and transport. Looking at an 8pm Tuesday ticket it's the same price
* my sofa is more comfortable than any cinema seat I've ever sat in
* I get unlimited drinks and snacks and no travel time
* I've got a 77 inch Oled with optimal viewing distance so it's still a big screen
* my sound system is calibrated to my sofa for object orientated sound instead of needing to be optimised to the entire cinema seating plan.
* I can watch at any time, and if I don't like it I can turn it off and watch something else.
* I can set it as loud as I like
* I don't have to deal with the situation where a group of people decide to have a chat or kids want the entire film explaining to them off their parents
* don't have to listen to popcorn and sweet packets all way through
* if i want to watch trailers I'll have watched them already as they're released so don't need to sit through 30 mins of ads, trailers and internal cinema ads for gift cards or unlimited cards
* i know my seat is clean and hasn't been farted on all day by 10 other people
* watching a 2.5 hour movie takes 2.5 hours instead of being a much longer experience because of all the extra guff
* no one is ever in my pre booked seat

Am sure plenty more reasons. 10 years ago I would probably agree with you but hike TV's, sound systems and media quality have all come a long way.

Horses for courses tho; imagine if you're watching it on a 8 year old 42 inch plasma with a £80 soundbar the cinema is quite appealing 😂

If people can't enjoy movies at home, get a better setup. I go time to time but in general I prefer the home experience almost every time.

Should qualify that by saying i was an unlimited card holder from its launch in Teesside until lockdown and usually went once or twice a week. Been to several imax, which are great, and been to showcase plenty of times. But I'd still pick my setup over everything but imax.
Yes but most people I would wage haven’t got the room to put a 60 inch screen in their houses never mind a 77 inch one. Certainly down south where space in houses is at a massive premium you rarely see huge TVs in small lounges and most prefer to get out of the house. In that way it’s rather healthier for the mind to do so in my opinion. And believe you me the cinema we have locally is a great experience revamped about 5 years ago. I don’t do it too often probably once ot twice a month but great to see old classic movies as well as new on a giant screen with state of the art sound.
Boldon’s in South Tyneside mind. It’ll have an NE postcode. There’s one near Seaham that’ll have an SR one though.

So it is, i think the border is near the Greyhound Stadium, but Boldon is literally a couple of miles from the likes of Hylton Castle or if youre a gazette reporter a 'stone's throw away' 🤣
Yes but most people I would wage haven’t got the room to put a 60 inch screen in their houses never mind a 77 inch one. Certainly down south where space in houses is at a massive premium you rarely see huge TVs in small lounges and most prefer to get out of the house. In that way it’s rather healthier for the mind to do so in my opinion. And believe you me the cinema we have locally is a great experience revamped about 5 years ago. I don’t do it too often probably once ot twice a month but great to see old classic movies as well as new on a giant screen with state of the art sound.
77" is a monster no way on earth the mrs would let me have one of those