Musk calls for Farage to be replaced

Trump and Musk have much bigger problems ahead of themselves. Honduras and the other central American countries have done deals with China for infrastructure, health medical, rail bridges and network comms, Trump proposes to chase 250k Hondurans in a month. Hondurans have said they will shut down the 3 military bases down chase the yanks and let Chinese have them. Mexico have said the same., but took the pi$$ saying the amber asrehole & sleepy horse Botha will change their minds. Theyve all expected Trump to get in so made joint arrangements in advance.
Not often you’ll see me write words like these but Farage is 100% correct in his assessment of Robinson, he could easily have jumped onto the Free Tommy bandwagon or remain silent on the subject knowing his popularity with certain demographics but he hasn’t and that has to earn him a scintilla of respect.

Whilst Farage’s politics and mine are poles apart I think his comments are something few politicians of all persuasions would do instead looking at their own self interest rather than the bigger picture.

The one hope I have is that it marginalises Robinson and Musk further and one fades into obscurity and the other finds another political sphere to try and infiltrate.
TBH - I don't follow reform and their policies but thanks for showing interest in my opinion. The reason why I don't think he would be successful as their leader is that he is tainted by his past - brexit, alliance to Robinson and language surrounding illegal immigration. Same as Liz Truss as a leader of the conservatives. She just simply wasnt leadership material
But all of that is what made him found reform. It is also what attracts so many people
Side note, I am sick of seeing Elmo's endless bull$hit tweets and his face on social media, that together with the media proper covering his every word. Why? I hate Trump and thought he was the biggest @rsehole in politics, but Elmo beats him comfortably with his verbiage
Not often you’ll see me write words like these but Farage is 100% correct in his assessment of Robinson, he could easily have jumped onto the Free Tommy bandwagon or remain silent on the subject knowing his popularity with certain demographics but he hasn’t and that has to earn him a scintilla of respect.

Whilst Farage’s politics and mine are poles apart I think his comments are something few politicians of all persuasions would do instead looking at their own self interest rather than the bigger picture.

The one hope I have is that it marginalises Robinson and Musk further and one fades into obscurity and the other finds another political sphere to try and infiltrate.
See my earlier post and tweet, by pushing back on Robinson it makes Farage appear to have some morals and to be the good guy helping to normalise Reform and it's extreme and racist views, in reality I don't believe Farage is any different from Robinson and has similar beliefs he just hides it better and realises it would not help Reform grow atm to be more acceptable to the general public
See my earlier post and tweet, by pushing back on Robinson it makes Farage appear to have some morals and to be the good guy helping to normalise Reform and it's extreme and racist views, in reality I don't believe Farage is any different from Robinson and has similar beliefs he just hides it better and realises it would not help Reform grow atm to be more acceptable to the general public

Just because you're not in support of a **** doesn't mean you're not a ****
We have being having a similar discussion in a previous thread......

Totally this
At least if Farage became Tory leader he would be moderated by the Tory Party machine and its voters. He would also be scrutinised and held to account far more than he has been to date as some kind of right wing populist protest champion.

On the other hand I know a good few die hard Tories and they all hate Farage so I think it’s unlikely he will appeal to enough Tories to get to be leader.

I’m not saying that isn’t his plan mind you.