Morgan Rogers

Engel‘s debut was uninspiring but Carrick stated he was told not to overlap. He made a shocking pass at WBA that led to their 3rd goal and he got turned once last match, his passing has been ok more often than not (others were more guilty on Saturday). Early doors, 3 times he was looking up the line to feed the ball to Jones, who was not closely marked and each time Jones held his arm out to say no, giving Engel no choice but to go across the line or to the keeper. Jones could and should have been looking to help him.

I am not suggesting he is great or anything and yes he has made a few blunders, but hey, look across the park and tell me who hasn’t blundered this season other than Possibly Dieng and he wasn’t too clever immediately following Engel’s blunder pass back.
I’m waiting for Messiah Jones to actually join St Mirren to unleash my multiple previous threads.
Its always good to remind yourselves of the "panic" after one or two bad results last year - made rash judgements on players even though they were just in the settling in mode and already this week we have 1 or 2 calling for Carrick's head, 1 writing off a 16 year old making his debut and generally being edgy
Its always good to remind yourselves of the "panic" after one or two bad results last year - made rash judgements on players even though they were just in the settling in mode and already this week we have 1 or 2 calling for Carrick's head, 1 writing off a 16 year old making his debut and generally being edgy
Agreed, people are reactionary and silly. I’d say the Engel comments are after a year of seeing him, they’re not reactionary, but yes anyone having an issue with hunt is being silly. Carrick despite injury crisis is averaging 74 points a season. Avoid the season of injuries and we should be pushing 80+ points