Least favourite Cities in the UK

I've worked and stayed in most of the major Cities for work over the years and I can categorically state that the worst by every measure are ...


On top of all the reasons mentioned above, what they have in common is the locals telling everyone how wonderful and special they are - they're not, they're 5hitholes and absolutely not special in any way

I like Leeds and Manchester anyway but also the locals don't try and ram down your throat how wonderful they think they or their cities are
London is such a dirty city, massively overcrowded and full of crime. Clearly this is typical for most big cities but it must be an place to live unless you have millions

Manchester and Leeds are so run down 5 minutes from the city centre. They aren’t the worst in the uk but definitely don’t have much going for them
I’ve lived in both and I don’t have millions, nor have I ever lived in some kind of “slum”.

This is exactly why these threads are a bad idea.

I still spend a least 3-4 days a month in London and the people there are friendly, generally speaking. As much as Manchester or Middlesbrough.
It is probably a mental block in all honestly.

I am much more comfortable when I'm abroad, than in the UK, in big cities. I have found the public and workers in European cities much more friendlier, warming and opening than those in London.

Yes. Not what's happened to me personally, but what I've personally witnessed in front of my own eyes riding the underground.
It could well be a mental block and I totally get it. Barcelona always seems way more dangerous to me, and it's a city I know well. Especially on the metro.
Conversely I've just finished a job in copenhagen and it feels a lot safer than London. I guess it's the thing with big cities they all have their bad sides. You can't have that many people about and not have more wrong uns
London is such a dirty city, massively overcrowded and full of crime. Clearly this is typical for most big cities but it must be an place to live unless you have millions

Manchester and Leeds are so run down 5 minutes from the city centre. They aren’t the worst in the uk but definitely don’t have much going for them
I would actually disagree with the overcrowded bit. Yes there are a lot of people on but it is massive footprint was as a city. It spreads put forever. Making it seem less populous than it is
40+ years of slash and burn = scorched earth.
Biggest homelessness crisis since the Second World War.
"Right To Buy", destroyed essential provision of social-housing at affordable rents.
Cherry-picked NHS core Services privatised.
Other services struggling to cope, with deliberate under-investment and unfilled NHS vacancies due to withdrawal of Government support for professional training and restrictions imposed on foreign professionals and other workers since Brexit.
Funds from the public purse being placed in the pockets of private shareholders instead of public health.
Massive reduction in hospital beds, especially in Mental Health Services.
Deliberate decimation of Local Authority Budgets by Central Government, leading to cuts in day-centres, community support, adult and child services.
Complete wipe out of community support and rehabilitation services for offenders, including Chris Graylings disastrous attempt to privatise the Probation Service.
Government disinvestment in public transport infrastructure, leaving many urban centres with inadequate, archaic rail and bus services.
Private shareholder pockets lined with public funds for our privatised rail and "Public" [!] Transport "system".
Cuts in the Police and Community Support Services.


Now we see the consequences in all our towns and cities across the entire UK.
Agreed, so you accept Blair and Brown did nothing for the working class? Blair was a Cnut of the very highest order, Brown lacked the energy and backing, but was a decent guy.
Just for the record I loath Blair more than Thatcher, as least she wasnt a hypocrite
I just don't like big cities in general, but some have their plus points.

There are parts of London that I really like to visit. There's fabulous architecture, nice green areas and so much choice of what to do, eat, buy, experience. There are also nice enclaves dotted all around the "city", but you need huge wealth to live there.
In the main however London is a huge sprawl and not one city, just dozens of soulless small places that have merged together.

I think of Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool and Glasgow and see much of the same crap as in London, just without the highlights of London.
Amazed by the prevalence of "London" here. In my experience there's no such place.

Just out of interest, I'll give a shout out to Swansea. I've visited just about all the towns mentioned here, but Swansea is the only place I've ever felt unsafe walking around in the middle of the afternoon.

But as we say, I'm from the Boro. Like I should give a **** about anywhere!
I’ve never felt unsafe walking round Boro, and that’s even at night.
To go back to my original post, if I walk through Doncaster Centre (after 5pm especially) I’m always watching my back.
Many people go to dodgy Euro cities and LOVE them due to the simple fact they are on holiday. Anywhere is great when out of your usual routine and not part of the daily grind or commute. You over look the negatives.

I hate Leeds as I used to live there for a few years, near Horsforth, and just didn't like the place. After I moved away from Leeds I was still sent there monthly for work issues and sometimes had to stay overnight, felt like I couldn't escape the place!

Lonely evenings wandering around looking for somewhere to eat, then back to the hotel to prepare for work meeting the next day
and then the long trip home...just wished I was at home with the wife and kid and anywhere else but Leeds...

But if I had never lived there and only visited on day trips once or twice a year...probably wouldn't be so down on the place.

Done my time in Leeds, will never go there again I hope.
3 dumps down here for me are Slough No 1 by a country mile, Swindon & Reading. However surrounding villages & countryside are amazing. (Add High Wycombe to the list too)