Gone Fishing

Im in the absolutely love it camp and am truly gutted it’s finished. Bob’s excitement at catching anything is priceless and the way he loves it to when his mate catches something is pure joy.

I normally watch it alone as the missus will be watching something else as she can’t get in to it but she watched the other week and was in tears when Paul was talking about his mums 86th birthday and how sad he felt when his mum remembered for a few seconds she was 86 but didn’t know how she’d got there.

A wonderfully understated show that will hopefully still have a long time to run and anything that gets people talking about their feelings, worries and insecurities cannot ever be a bad thing
I suspect they might call it a day at the end of next years series. They probably feel they need to time the ending well.

They have another series in them I reckon. I personally don’t get tired of the scenery and wonderful conversations between Bob and Paul. They way they also get men’s health into certain episodes is brilliant too. Some men have probably got themselves checked due to conversations on Gone Fishing.
Those two are never going to run out of things to talk about. And that, essentially, is the show. The fishing is just a means to an end... stroke location. Or, to put it another way. If they make another series, you will most likely watch it. I might add, it's the only series on British TV that I have any desire to direct. Pretty much everything else is unwatchable for me.
They have run out of interesting things to talk about. I'd like more focus on the fish.