Gibson's £3m pub

He won't be hunting deer - if the poster meant with dogs, it's illegal.

You can shoot them on your own land with a licence and out of the close season.
In isolation I don’t think this is what’s bothering people.

People are more bothered that he’s forgotten his roots, the company he keeps, the selflessness of saving the club has been replaced by a selfishness in upgrading the posh parts of the stadium seats and new lounge but not for the plebs.

He was one of those plebs once, avoiding streams of hot steaming pish running down the Holgate terrace.

He was once one of those poorish people who had to grind for a living, now he’s involved with chancers that from a certain perspective could be said to be stealing from the poor to give to the rich.

His moral about turn is what bothers people.

Spending frivolous amounts of money to presumably have a private area to entertain chancers like the local Tory mob and allegations of killing wild animals for fun just strengthen that rift between who he was and who he is.

There’s nothing wrong with personal achievement, making money or growing as a person from who you were as a youth……but there is when it’s at the expense of regressing morally.

You wouldn't give a damn if he wasn't the owner of your football club, just be thankful that he is.
Yep, I'd love to have my own pub in the garden.

I imagine it is difficult for Steve, or any famous person really, to go out without being bothered by p***** up people so it's no surprise they want their own private spaces.
I had to build my own its a nightnare ...
People asking me to do the donkey ears and talk about being a prolific striker.
I've now built my own retreat at the cosy of 1.2k.
Love it
Part of a crime syndicate? That's quite an accusation to make against him.
I'll be honest, when I read that he is building his own pub, I thought "you can take the boy out of Park End....."
Like I said it’s not really about the pub, that isn’t where people’s problem are. Private eye still haven’t been sued, gibson still appears to be in bed with them, I’ll stick to my comments until the local Tory mafia start to act with honesty and integrity and openness.
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I live in the local village. The " pub" has been referred to since inception as a social club for the staff. Bearing in mind the whole place is likely to change its purpose shortly ( to a hotel) it seems a sensible to me.
From my view its a top quality development in a part of tourist area that has been left behind.
When we say “Pub”, what are we actually talking about. A nice shed with bi-fold doors and expensive lighting and furniture or perhaps a folly to match the house. Even in these extortionate times three million quid gets you a hell of a lot of pub……….especially now he’s a Tory and hasn’t got any mates to fill it.😉