Favourite City in the UK

Bristol, Edinburgh and Glasgow.

London obviously too, but also too obvious and feels like the answer to a different question.
I've travelled the world but hardly at home as it is way cheaper to go away. I love London (mainly outskirts), York and Harrogate. I spent months living in hotels back in the day (before technology) in London. Going to the museums after 4pm for free was amazing. I went most nights and I used to sit in the parks and write letters to my wife several times a week. Simpler times in the madness
I don't think I've seen it mentioned at all in the thread but whenever I visit Sheffield it strikes me as a very liveable city with a nice crossover of historic / industrial with some decent redevelopment, and not far to access the countryside. Absolutely great pub scene. I've come to think of it as a Northern version of Bristol.

It's apples to oranges against the likes of York, Edinburgh, London etc, but I'd rate it highly above either Leeds or Manchester.
Don't really like cities.

So I suppose the ability to get into and out of them easily is the criteria that I judge by. Edinburgh probably. Easy by train and not too terrible in the car.
What does everyone like about Manchester so much? It's my local city, there tomorrow, but I totally take it for granted.

I like Manchester btw, not knocking anybody.
What does everyone like about Manchester so much? It's my local city, there tomorrow, but I totally take it for granted.

I like Manchester btw, not knocking anybody.
I really like Manchester, but it always feels like it's about 90 seconds from descending into a mass brawl every time I'm there.

Or maybe that's just me 😜
York by far for the history and atmosphere - anywhere with some good history or architecture about, especially from the Roman and Viking periods. Honourable mentions for Chester, Bath, Salisbury and Wells.
Controversial but Newcastle. Stunning architecture, great drinking and venues and generally good people. Belfast close second.