Favourite City in the UK

The UK is blessed with a lot of great interesting cities, personally a few of my favourites, London, Edinburgh, York, Chester, Aberdeen, Belfast, Cardiff, Liverpool.
Newcastle followed by Edinburgh and Durham.

Not sure why, but the cities in the North are much better than in the South. Perhaps it's a cultural thing.

I think North East/North Yorks up to Northumberland and Scotland are the best places to live in the UK.
What does everyone like about Manchester so much? It's my local city, there tomorrow, but I totally take it for granted.

I like Manchester btw, not knocking anybody.
I think I like the "idea" of Manchester more than Manchester itself. I grew up listening to loads of Manchester bands and the whole Madchester/Hacienda scene always make me favourable of it. That being said I do still like the city now. There's loads to do there. It has a friendly northern vibe but it's still a massive and important city. I like the mix of important industrial revolution history and modern, media city type development (Yes, I know, it's in Salford but these days it's hard to split the two)
Sheffield for its people, not the prettiest place compared to some .. but it’s “real” and genuine, it’s a big Teesside in some respects.

Bristol is a good shout , as are Glasgow & Liverpool. Love cities with rich heritage and the major roles they played in our history.
They all have good things about them I guess. Manchester and Birmingham both very big and important places.

Then there’s the small ones that are lovely , lots of York shouts because it’s nice and it’s near. Bath is great as is Chester
Some REALLY good calls here
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I think I like the "idea" of Manchester more than Manchester itself. I grew up listening to loads of Manchester bands and the whole Madchester/Hacienda scene always make me favourable of it. That being said I do still like the city now. There's loads to do there. It has a friendly northern vibe but it's still a massive and important city. I like the mix of important industrial revolution history and modern, media city type development (Yes, I know, it's in Salford but these days it's hard to split the two)
My young un lives in Media City - on a sunny weekend it’s lovely to have a walk round there - always something happening 😊
I absolutely love Edinburgh. Its great anytime of the year be it Christmas and New Year or in the Summer for the Fringe. Could happily live there.
Lots I like, lived in Sheffield and Birmingham, both had good and bad areas, but Sheffield had the better vibe. Have enjoyed visits to Manchester, Edinburgh, Liverpool, Leeds and Newcastle too. Worked in London, which I actually quite enjoyed and still visit, again it's about getting to the right areas.
That's such a shame.
I hope you get things sorted and you can enjoy central london.
I have to say that I love the place but unfortunately its not somewhere I could live unless I we win the lottery.
I’m like that with York… would happily move there and the locals are decent but it’s overpriced and has been for about 50 years
Of the two mentioned a fair bit on this thread I'm most familiar with (having worked in both).

Leeds is a great for living/working in. Loads going on and easy to find like minded people. Loads of great little suburbs like Chapel Allerton, Meanwood, Headingley, Roundhay etc. as well as the city centre. Regret moving away really.

York is great for visiting, it's a tourist destination for a reason. Nowhere near as good for living in though, understandably more geared towards tourists.
Peterborough has a bad reputation, but the Main square is nice on a day like today


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Peterborough has a bad reputation, but the Main square is nice on a day like today
It’s an awful dump with some genuinely ‘no go areas’. Friend of mine runs a security company with contracts with the multiples. They’ve pulled out. Doesn’t get much grimmer that that.
I've never actually been to central London! I live just outside of London and have done for the past 6 years. It would take about 1 hour and cost less than a fiver on the tube(the tube station is a 5 minute walk from my house) but mainly because of anxiety I've never actually been. With all the history and museums in London I would probably actually really enjoy it if I managed to be dragged there, it's the thought of the busy tube and then the busy places really sets my anxiety off, I haven't been on the tube either.
There are parts of central London that are really quiet on a Sunday, mainly the areas that are full of workers on a weekday. For example you could walk to the Thames from St Pancras on the back streets through Bloomsbury / legal london and barely see anyone till you hit the river
Bristol for me. I'd live there if I could afford a house in Clifton. Lived there part time for many years while working at BBC Bristol, which no longer really exists.

Edinburgh, Glasgow, Norwich, York all have their charms.

London would be near the bottom of my list (and yeah, I've lived there).
Surprised bath isn't getting mentioned..
I really want to visit there and combine the rugby with spa and restaurant
Sounds a great place
Like I say never been but it's where I would like to do next
As for others manchester london edinburgh newcastle deffo.