But you also have to temper that with he's a career criminal with fraud, rape, false accounting cases against him. He's also usually far more vicious than affable. He speaks in sentances that just trail..... as a way of sowing ideas into peoples minds, withou actually saying it and getting into legal trouble. He's a habitual liar, repeatedly fails to pay people for work done, is a repeated philanderer, was friends with one of the biggest pedos ever, dodged the draft with false claims of being unfit then hypocritically mocks veterans for their service, was actually unfit for high office but didnt dodge that, barely seems to have a coherent strategical thought, flip-flops constantly on his views on everyone and everything, and is universally loathed by honourable experts and academics for his falsehood peddling, unethical behaviour and alignment with the psychopath checklist.