A man named Bob was going to take a vacation in Mexico for a week, he wanted to experience true Mexican food so he went to a restaurant that was off the beaten path He found a restaurant called Queso Fresco This was his first night there and upon sitting down he noticed a plate at the next table that a young lady was eating, and what appeared to be two large meatballs on her plate.
When the waiter came to Bob’s table he asked the waiter what the lady was eating because it looked delicious, the waiter explained that's El Nono, and it's served two to three times a week, it is bull testicles, quite a delicacy in this town. You see we have local bullfights in town, and when the bull is defeated and the Matador wins, the bull’s testicles are clipped and served the next day.
Bob explained that he was here for several days is there any chance he could get an order of it? The waiter assured Bob that he would hold an order if he would like to come back in two days, Bob agreed. He returned in two days and was served the El Nono.
When Bob was finished the waiter came to take his plate and asked Bob what he thought of his meal? Bob said oh it was delicious, but I noticed that size of my portion was quite a bit smaller than the ladies that I saw the other day why is that? The waiter smiled and said “You see, sometimes the bull wins”