I have no time for anti vaxers at all

octopuses as it derives from Greek. If derived from Latin it would be octopi, though even then there are exceptions from both derivatives. Since the plural is a 2nd declension of the singular noun, octopodes would be technically correct. Cactus is derived from Latin, so cacti would be correct

See, 3 years of Latin has taught me something :)
Indeed, and some people don't take paracetamol when they have a headache, for that reason. We don't get on their cases about it though.
Agreed, it's their choice what they put in their body.

However, we never reach a point when any drug is definitely safe for everyone in all circumstances.
octopuses as it derives from Greek. If derived from Latin it would be octopi, though even then there are exceptions from both derivatives. Since the plural is a 2nd declension of the singular noun, octopodes would be technically correct. Cactus is derived from Latin, so cacti would be correct

See, 3 years of Latin has taught me something :)
Octopi is also correct apparently, and the lesser known octopudes.
Agreed, it's their choice what they put in their body.

However, we never reach a point when any drug is definitely safe for everyone in all circumstances.
Fine, but that wasn't quite the point I was making. I said no one would refuse the vaccine if it was definitely safe. No one would refuse paracetamol if it was definitely safe either, but a small cohort of people do presumably because its not definitely safe, and imho, that's fine too.
As long as most people aren't selfish the vaccination(s) will work OK on the general population. Also by the time most of us get anywhere near being injected multiple independent regulatory authorities will have approved it.
On what metric and scale are you making this judgement?
To be fair it's been discussed by many specialists in cancer treatment and mental health treatments. None of it tin foil hat stuff either. It's a worthy discussion and the predictions that some have come up with I fear may become reality in years to come.

It will be a long battle.
Its not about enjoying living like this though, is it?

If it was a choice, and I'm not saying it is, between a dangerous vaccine, and sticking with the status quo, I don't think it's unreasonable to choose the one that feels like the lesser of two evils.

I'm NOT saying the vaccine is dangerous, I'm just saying that the argument that 'we need to get out of this way of living at all costs' doesn't really stand up for everyone.
Boll ocks
Apparently there's no need for a collective noun because Octopuses don't hang about together, which is a shame.
But there are collective nouns for other animals that are solitary, surely? Though I just looked up the collective noun for koalas and for the same reason there isn't one. Who knew.
Threads on this board are getting more and more confrontational.

People are permitted to make their own decisions! Leave it at that.
Well only a few more posts needed for Zorro's ton now.;)

Even though half of them are about octopi/octopuses/octopudes.
I wonder if there is a collective noun for threads that get over a hundred replies, a desperation of threads?