No plot lost here, no knots. Perfectly calm and in awe of your lack of self awareness. There's only you that can't see it. One tirade after another.
@indeedido has it perfectly summarised. You labelled folk who disagree with you as being silly, ridiculous, dishonest and analytically lazy. You positioned your view as being 'better' than the rest. When I challenged your use of that language you lost it and started with more mocking, insults and a dishonest characterisation of a previous thread, which indeedido has eloquently summarised and which I quoted directly from. You doubled down. Your repeated dishonesty, your repeated insults and your references to my mental health are unpleasant. Your accusation that I only wrote this thread as a red rag to you bizarre. That is ultimately why I called you a d*ckhead. Because that is what you were behaving like. It's really, really clear to everyone and yet you refuse to acknowledge having played any part in it. I'm still waiting for you to point me to the abuse I gave Steve. Or indeed the abuse I gave you prior to your obvious meltdown. But you can't because it simply isn't there. After the Derby thread I offered an olive branch which you ignored. I shan't be doing that again but equally I will not allow you to simply repeat this rubbish unchallenged. My recommendation is that you reflect on this thread, have a proper read of what actually happened and then at least consider the possibility that you have caused a lot of the problem here. I hope you have the maturity and self-awareness to do that but I won't hold my breath.
WORD SALAD, lets cut through this.
You continue with your abuse calling names, bullying behaviour but you think you are some white knight. You stand by calling someone a d*(head on a messageboard, that shows no remorse, no self awareness. You feel justified in behaving that way, I find it childish and immature.
Bottom line here is we disagree on a football thread. I didn't call you specifically out for being analytically lazy, I said some people are. You took umbrage with that, but you'd already shown yourself to be emotional on this subject with others before I interjected.
I stand by you throwing the statement 'he offers nothing' and 'offers nothing in every single game he plays', is analytically lazy. It's a superficial analysis of his game play. That isn't an insult, some people think deeper on subjects than others, it isn't labelling someone as thick, just some are not that interested in looking beyond the superficial for a variety of reasons. They may not have the time, may let emotion cloud their judgement, they may not have the knowledge or experience. I'm no 'expert' but I do have a bank of knowledge having trained youths for 12 years, been on courses, workshops, read text books. I've invested quite a lot into it. Now I don't claim to get every call right, but I shouldn't play down my investment in learning the nuances of the game. My effort is earned and why should I see it as worthless, meaningless, naught? I'm anti anti-expert. I value knowledge, I value experience and I'm not going to apologise for that. If you or anyone else is intimidated by that, then the response is you have the opportunity in life to learn more than I have, if that's what you value. Don't whine because someone else has put the effort in to get accreditations, to learn, to sit in a class room, to finish work then put their head in a text book for two hours so they can develop their football philosophy as part of their course work, I put time, effort and my own money into going on courses. Why should that mean nothing? Who knows you could even learn something from me if you were open minded enough.
If you ever offered an olive branch, I certainly haven't seen it and your continuation on this thread to stand by your insults isn't an olive branch. Mine was earlier in this thread. But I'll offer you one again, I'm not angry with you despite the petty insults, I'm not emotional despite your amateur psychology...I'll get a pyschologist for that, I'm assuming you haven't invested your time in this domain, I'd leave that to the experts. We both love the boro, and we're not in competition with each other, this isn't an intellectual ******* contest. I'd like you to ruminate over how this started and ask yourself does any footballer truly offer zero, in every single appearance? Were your comments a little over the top, does someone have the right to challenge that? I have accepted many times that connolly hasn't got the goals we hoped, but you absolutely should not measure a player purely on one metric, or even quantifiable metrics alone. That goes for most things in life, lies damned lies and statistics is a true adage.
I WILL reflect on this thread, I'm man enough to do that. My recommendation is that you do too, and honestly ask if you could or should have behaved better, if you were right to be abusive and to stand by that abuse and if you can improve yourself? Your umbrage really comes from me saying it's rediculous to claim a footballer offers zero in every single game he plays. That's the kindle that lit this anger in you. Is that a fair claim for me to challenge that, and was it a fair reaction by you? It isn't calling you ridiculous, simply the idea of such absolutes in analysing a footballer as rediculous.