What changes would you make to this country if you were Prime Minister to make it a better place?

Wealth distribution would be a big one, more severe punishments for hate and sexual crimes. I would also offer billions of pounds in grants to all those professional football teams based in the TS3 postcode.
A Prime Ministers job is to carry out the policies/decisions that have been agreed and decided upon by others (elected representatives).

they have absolutely no right or power to change things because of what is best for them.

i would advocate at the discussions that Education should be free of charge and all outstanding student debt should be cancelled & further, that charitable status of the private posh schools ceased - id ask for it to be called the 'level playing field in life ambitions and further equality act..'
I think I like that for the exact opposite reasons you do...
Scotland would be bigger.. the SPL would be more interesting, we would be the top of England, more chance of keeping the UK together, the barnett formula applied over more needing areas.
I would make anything which involves a network (and hence difficult to divide up and benefit from private competition) under national ownership. It is completely crazy that for a rail journey you can need different tickets off different providers.

Secondly I would make tax farier. More bands of taxation on income tax including one for earnings over 100,000 and lower VAT which hits the poorest hardest.

I would properly invest in the NHS and train up more staff urgently.

I would make an asylum application office in France for people to claim asylum, I would go really hard after the gangs that run these dangerous small boats and I would sort out the huge backlog of asylum claims.

I would legalise drugs so they can be controlled better.

I would abolish the license fee and instead fund the BBC from general taxation

I would take away charity status from public schools

I would bring back grants for students from lower income families and properly fund Universities

I would invest heavily in green technologies including solar, grants for insulation in all homes, battery factories, charging infrastructure etc.

I could go on, and perhaps have a bit much, but I was getting into that :)
Bring back Liquorice Allsorts and Dolly Mixtures! They've both virtually disappeared under this government. Can only assume Bertie Bassett hasn't been greasing enough palms.
Introduce a legal definition for "news" and "newspaper".

The likes of the Daily Heil and Sun wouldn't meet it. You'd find them in the comics or ideally the loo roll aisle.