Todays Worldle

Impressive! When I see archipelagos like that I never think of that part of the world because that's pretty much the only one
Since we started doing this I have been researching, particularly islands ever since, some do stick, some don’t (blummin’ memory) i struggled on one ages back, Diego Garcia I think it was, so I have been swotting up to help me and it helps you learn a little more about this rock we call Earth πŸ‘
Since we started doing this I have been researching, particularly islands ever since, some do stick, some don’t (blummin’ memory) i struggled on one ages back, Diego Garcia I think it was, so I have been swotting up to help me and it helps you learn a little more about this rock we call Earth πŸ‘
Yeah, I got Diego Garcia purely based on a video I'd watched about US military bases and how the UK stole an island from the Seychelles! I'm finding I'm veyr hit and miss on this. I play geoguessr a lot and though I had a good grasp of geography but Worldle seems a constant struggle for me. I probably need to be more like you and study island nations a bit more.