Thunberg/Tate Twitter spat..

I’m vegetarian and think we need to think differently so I personally would prefer if we move away from eating animals. But that’s my view 🤷🏻‍♂️ But if she doesn’t fly I assume she does make a personal sacrifice and like all of us probably does have a carbon footprint

Are you a veggie?

Vegetarian for decades, now vegan, but its no panacea to save the planet. We can still make choices that are enviromentally uneven, my vegan consumption can increase my carbon footprint, as well as decrease it.

The world isnt going to be vegan, its not an answer that stacks up critically. Militant vegan enviromentalism loses minds not wins them.
*Returns home from insulting a young woman who is trying to prevent the planet from incineration. Finds wife and children dead and home alight.*

"Yeah, that showed them all that I'm right! She won't try her hippie nonsense round here again!"
Well that took a dark turn :D
And her CO2 emissions are not zero. Which was the point behind the leviation from country to country.
You come across as a Daily Telegraph reading old buffer - and what does leviation mean? Is it a spell that Hermione Grainger uses?
Why has no one addressed the real issue here....what a horrible color for a supercar.
Buggati's only look good in white, black or that funky blue colour they do. A masterpiece of human engineering too may I add.

Tate is doing what Tate does, I'd simply ignore anything that comes out of his mouth as it's all for 'bites' and 'nibbles'. His views on women are staggering even before you get to his latest rant against the Greta.
I don't know who Tate is or JHB. You know you've reached middle age when you feel proud about not knowing things and boast about your ignorance on the internet.
Add to that living abroad for a long time and not having a mobile phone thus having no idea who most of the 'celebrities' are that are constantly in the news. Being old sometimes has advantages. F*ck social media - apart from this site of course.
Not sure I quoted your post.

My reaction is anchored to Thunberg.

Are you a vegan? Remember if your not you are stealing futures away from people.

Everybody you have to eat just plants .. Its the only way.

nope, I never stated you quoted my op?
im not entirely sure what you’re wittering on about now though 🤷🏼‍♂️
And her CO2 emissions are not zero. Which was the point behind the leviation from country to country.
behave man, you can't know exactly what her personal CO2 emissions are or how she offsets, but I'd be willing to bet the light she has shined on the subject has influenced many many people and has offset her personal emissions 100s of thousands of times over.

Being politically active, unfortunately requires being in front of influential people in person, in an ideal world she wouldn't do that, and she has turned down gigs and travelled by unconventional methods to cut CO2 emissions down, but ultimately it harmed the success of her activism.

I'd much rather spend time listening to her, than people like this influencer gimp, Julia Hately-Booer, Pierce Morgan or any of their scientifically-illiterate ilk