Thunberg/Tate Twitter spat..

And that bit of meat steals the future ..

Meat = Heat and deforestation and soil errosion and bio diversity loss and and causes extinction = You must stop eating it to save the planet and if you don’t act now the world will end because of apocalyptic meat eating.

Thunberg goes further. She wants food to be produced by precision fermentation. The world will brew food.

On it?

Why do so many middle aged/old men feel so threatened by this teenage girl? It’s quite bizarre.
Bet it’s the same types who constantly moan about cyclists, the Woke, remainers, lefties, ‘political correctness gone mad’, snowflakes and all the other creations that they get to blame for their deliberately stoked and misdirected anger, while letting the real bad people and organisations completely off the hook.
Why do so many middle aged/old men feel so threatened by this teenage girl? It’s quite bizarre.
Bet it’s the same types who constantly moan about cyclists, the Woke, remainers, lefties, ‘political correctness gone mad’, snowflakes and all the other creations that they get to blame for their deliberately stoked and misdirected anger, while letting the real bad people and organisations completely off the hook.

They need this

Why do so many middle aged/old men feel so threatened by this teenage girl? It’s quite bizarre.
Bet it’s the same types who constantly moan about cyclists, the Woke, remainers, lefties, ‘political correctness gone mad’, snowflakes and all the other creations that they get to blame for their deliberately stoked and misdirected anger, while letting the real bad people and organisations completely off the hook.
it's part of the far right culture war. How dare people want a better world, how dare they tell me that some of the things I take for granted are harming the planet, how dare they try and inform me, how dare they care about the wider human population than my own entitled white ethno-group, how dare they be intelligent, be educated, and informed. etc. etc. ad nauseum.

The culture ware is clear the 'ignorant, emotionally driven and easily manipulated' vs 'the intellectual, analysis driven and cautiously skeptical'
Why do so many middle aged/old men feel so threatened by this teenage girl? It’s quite bizarre.
Bet it’s the same types who constantly moan about cyclists, the Woke, remainers, lefties, ‘political correctness gone mad’, snowflakes and all the other creations that they get to blame for their deliberately stoked and misdirected anger, while letting the real bad people and organisations completely off the hook.
They moan about snowflakes while getting wildly offended by anything and everything.
Been released in less than 24 hours unless someone else has access to his twitter account?

Bizarre story anyway this. Why did he bother going out of his way to have a pop at her in the first place. Doubt they knock about in the same circles.
Why does any misogynistic white man pandering to his male far right social media followers do such stuff? Why did JHB attack her and in doing so completely embarrass herself?. There is an obvious link
Greta Thunberg does have a purpose at least in being given a platform, other than getting filthy rich. Her logic is based on reason that in the long term will do humanity more good than harm. She will make mistakes. I don't agree with everything she says. Some of it and her all or nothing way of putting this section of it across too I don't agree with one bit. I eat meat amongst my diet and whilst I cannot with certainty say my views won't change on this in my lifetime, right now I have no intentions of stopping.

Andrew Tate is a complete helmet who spouts waffle in the pure interest of making himself rich, therefore in my mind doesn't have any other purpose at all. He is held up by and large by people who don't have any clue on the matters of climate change and cause & effect.

Therefore in this "debate" which in my mind is little more than an insult slinging t*t for tat I'd be inclined to take Greta's stance any day.