Well, it is the 'back to work' mitigation strategy suggested by the OP.
I'm not the OP though, I probably don't fully agree with him, but I do agree there is a long covid problem, and it will likely get worse.
I think I'm a bit more realistic to what is coming and what can be prevented though, by that I mean I think the damage is done and further damage is coming. There is nothing plausible which can be done to reduce the risk probability, so all we can change is how we deal with those risk outcomes as it will occur.
The people are off sick. We can't expect to get them back to work without being able to treat them, or stop them getting sick in the first place? We can't rewind time, so the latter ship has sailed. The chance to do that was back in 2019-21 or by not letting the Tories in back in 2010, 2015, 2017, 2019 etc. The damage is largely done now, it's basically baked in.
Clean air and ventilation should have been the plan in early 2020 before we even locked down, it was blatantly obvious to any virologist or modeller etc. But the Tories herd immunity plan and ignoring science negated anything we implemented half assed. BJ was the absolute worst person to be in charge during a public health emergency, so the public health is going to pay for that, and then the budget for the public/ economy will pay again and again.
Now all the sane people are vaxxed up we have to basically take that risk on now, as basically the public would not really be up for mitigations anymore, the chance for that has been and went. People won't want their kids in cold classrooms and they won't want to work in cold offices etc.
The benefit of doing that was 100x more in March 20, than it is in Sep 24 etc.
I would eat my hat if a large chunk of the economically inactive aren't those who didn't get the vaccines, so now the taxpayer is paying for their ignorance of science to get treated, and now as they're not working they're not funding the system themselves either.