The silence on covid/long covid is deafening.

Asking you to explain your statement is not "going on the attack". If you are going to make sweeping statements then you should be capable of explaining your reasoning.

Did you just want us all to simply nod meekly at your insight?

[sarcasm]What a guy [/sarcasm]
You claim it’s not an issue.

Do you have any evidence whatsoever to support that view?
Some people here, including you, aren’t interested in engaging properly with me. You just take any opportunity to attack.
"Attack" oh poor you.

I asked you to explain your sweeping statement. Your statistics didn't hold up or make sense. You didn't appear to understand the graph that you posted in your OP. I'm not sure what the purpose of your OP was? Scare story?


Anyway. As I have plainly upset you by not simply agreeing with you I will leave you to spread your take of impending doom in the absence of anything to support your panicked OP.

Good night.
OK, before this thread is dragged off track, I am just saying that long covid is very likely to have had a major impact on the numbers off sick long term.

It’s was previously almost 400,000 people, it seems reasonable to think that number will have risen from people getting repeated infections.

My point is lack of strategy. It’s madness not to try and deal with this. Why don’t we know exact current figures? Because the previous government decided to stop monitoring it.

You’re rubbishing my post but offer no counter evidence to suggest any of the above is untrue.

It’s amazing what people take offence to though. Even accusing me of posting a scare story.

My post was simply saying we should have clean air and ventilation to reduce sickness levels. That would reduce covid, cold, flu, rsv and more.

How is that a controversial view?
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In the early 1990s the emphasis with Government was on getting the unemployment figures down, so civil servants were encouraged to move the unemployed particularly unemployed who were struggling to find work onto incapacity benefit and off the unemployment figures. In old mining areas and areas of heavy industry there were many people carrying medical problems from their previous employment that were easy to switch. The unemployed people involved were told they would not have to sign on and their benefits would be slightly higher on incapacity. People in these socially working class areas also suffered poor health from poor diets and lifestyles etc. From 2009 there was a crackdown on incapacity benefits and the numbers came down then Covid came - Covid also caused social isolation - fewer people now leave their houses and some will struggle to cope working with others, certainly in close proximity.
Oh FFS no one has attacked you in this thread all I’ve seen is couple of questions about data, stop whining like a toddler and grow the F-Up.
Thank you for your contribution.

Do you think clean air and better ventilation would be useful in reducing sickness levels?
He only got to post #16 on his own thread before he started accusing other posters of attacking him.

I'm sure that record will be broken as the week goes on.
Your opinion is valuable to me, thank you for not just ignoring me as you have said you will do several times. It means a lot to me 👍

Do you think clean air would be useful in reducing sickness levels and getting people back to work, thereby boosting the economy?
last September I had a bad case of Covid, it laid me low for a while. The problem is I really haven't felt well since, low energy, repeated episodes of severe anxiety, total lack of interest in pretty much everything, I wish what ever it is would go away !
last September I had a bad case of Covid, it laid me low for a while. The problem is I really haven't felt well since, low energy, repeated episodes of severe anxiety, total lack of interest in pretty much everything, I wish what ever it is would go away !
Sounds like could be long covid 🙁

What does GP say (not that most GPs are clued up on long covid mind you)?
It’s the elephant in the room but we are turning into a nation of weak sickly people. To many milking anxiety, depression and mental illness, to many fatties and inactive, to many bone idle people looking for pip.
We need to sort out that otherwise the figures will continue to rise.
The figures for people unable to do any sort of work are startling but companies are **** scared to work to rule for fear of being sued by some unscrupulous lawyer wanting to make a quick buck which also fuels the problem
COVID never really affected me health wise, alot of people i knew tested positive but never got sick. It was mostly an annoyance for me with travelling for work, requiring tests all the time and disruption at airports but i understood it and was happy to adhere to what was required.

My ex-wife has been hit bad though, proper knocked **** out of her and she's close to being registered disabled through it as it's affecting her that much at home and especially at work, to the point the kids are having to help out at her house alot more than most kids their age would.