Tell Me An Interesting Fact.....

You can fit all the people in the world on the Isle of Wight.

But as the ferry only runs twice a day, it’s simply not practical. So can never be proved. But it’s still a fact.
The the smaller the size of a male gorillas penis the more likely his mate will remain faithful 🤷‍♂️
Barnacles have the longest penis relative to body size in the animal kingdom.
Despite their small size, barnacles have an unusual reproductive system. They possess a long, extensible penis that can be up to eight times their body length.
In Hiroshima there was a tree that survived the atomic bomb of 1945. They call it Hibakujumoku - literally 'survivor tree'. At the epicentre of the blast, the heat was 40 times more powerful than the sun, yet somehow this tree survived. Two ladies over there have spent decades taking clippings and seeds from the tree, posting them to people in countries riven by war, as a sign that there is always hope.
If you visited a different galaxy every second in the known universe it would take over 63,000 years to visit them all.