RIP Sinead O Connor

she had a love hate relationship with life in general I thought, much of it because of her parents and maybe her sudden stardom, not to mention the way that the press and the public treated her.

The tragedy of her son obviously comes to mind most mind you as I’m sure this was hard to bare for anyone, especially at the tender age of 17.

She had a long career but always in a support role and never too scared to speak her mind regardless of who it hurt but I guess that was just her character.

Maybe she had an identity crisis or she wasn’t really sure about life in general, who knows? I just hope it wasn’t all in vain. RIP.
The madaglene laundries was the insane asylum she was sent too. An atrocious state run asylum system that is a very infamous ongoing scandal in Ireland, that is under the spotlight at the minute for the horrible and unspeakable horrors that took place there.

Unmarried women with children were forced to abort their unborn child and at the time the abortions committed were botched and resolved in both the mother and child being murdered during the act, today the site of these asylums are full of unmarked graves of both young women and newborn babies. They found thousands of these bodies, I would almost compare it to a mini holocaust. It does not get enough media coverage and just gets swept under the rug. A complete cover up by the Vatican. The most dangerous organisation on earth.

You see the thing I admired about Sinead O Connor and I’m not just saying this due to her recent death because I’ve always been a fan of hers is that you hear about all she done to advocate for sexual abuse, child abuse, women’s rights, mental health stigma, homelessness and drug addiction is that she at some stage in her life she herself fell victim too, everything she advocated she at some time found herself in that position. You see she’s not like most celebs/rich people who donate to random charities just to please their own egos, show face or look good in the eye of the public. Sinead O Connor was as real as they came.

Everything she stood for, there was a reason for. Everything came from trauma as she mentioned herself.

It speaks volumes when Sky News & the BBC….. a British owned broadcasting service is paying tributes to her. Sinead O Connor of all people, a true rebel.