Private Eye and Teesside freeport

So Angie Ridgwell, the Chief Reviewer of the Teesworks corruption inquiry, provided Michael Gove with a draft copy of the report in November 2023. There is no doubt that Gove has forwarded this to Ben Houchen and they have discussed it since. I think that Angie Ridgwell has found something nasty in the woodshed. Gove, Houchen and their cronies have been trying to stitch their alibis together since then. Two months later, they haven’t managed to get their story straight, so now Gove wants to deep-six the final report. When you look at the evidence of Private Eye’s Richard Brooks to the HofC Trade and Industry Committee on 12th December, and the 3rd party Inquiry evidence obtained by Scott Hunter of Tees Valley Monitor, there’s plenty for Angie Ridgwell to chew on. My guess is that she is focussing on two things: (A) How the land parcels for the former SSI site at Redcar steelworks were stitched together, and (B) the awarding of TVCA contracts without tender, for example the £2.5m Teesworks Skills Academy white elephant in Teesside Freeport, just across from the old Grangetown fire station.
Come on guys, it's staring you in the face. Toby Jones is Michael Gove, playing the unsympathetic role for a change. Call it 'Post Office Scandal - the Teesworks years'. ITV viewers would flock to it in their droves


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Read the full report, it absolutely screams incompetence from Houchen at the very least yet he's going on about it on Twitter and Facebook like he's been completely vindicated.

Let the NAO investigate and see how cocky he is then.
He has been played like a fiddle, or, more likely, he has played along with it and will turn up on the board of one of M&C's companies when he leaves politics. The usual tory revolving door.