Michael Fabricant comments about teachers / nhs

Well done. Some people on here are so unnecessarily rude it's amazing.

Do you honestly think that it's not possible or indeed probable that a couple of nurses or a couple of teachers somewhere in the country had a quiet drink together after a shift? Of the millions of teachers and nurses!
No, and it's utterly irrelevant to speculate as a comparison to what Fabricant said.

Any space where anyone could congregate was closed, unlike the suitcase bar at Downing Street.
No I don't think it's possible and ceratinly not probable that any Nurses or teachers had a quiet drink together after a shift. For one thing, for a lot of the pandemic Teachers were teaching remotely from home, for another thing all communal areas were either shut or had limited numbers of people in them for things like meal and tea breaks. For another thing it would be a sackable offence to have even a quiet drink together at work. As to the point about being "unnecessarily rude it's amazing", well I wasn't the one who accused some mythical Nurses or Teachers of breaking the law. Some people on this board know that I'm married to an ex Nurse who spent 10 months working on a covid ward. She went to work, nursed seriously ill people, came straight home, walked through the garage with her uniform in a bag, put it in the washer, went upstairs and showered. Then she had a drink, of Tea and some supper and went to bed absolutely exhausted just so she could do the same thing the next day. If you don't want me to be rude, well stop providing the evidence that you're an Idiot.
The way this thread has gone only reinforces what I said yesterday, Fabricúnt is a useful idiot who is saying the things those higher up know they can't say, yet know that it'll gain some traction somewhere. There'll be people thinking those thoughts regardless, but would be too ashamed to voice them.
I was coincidentally watching a bit of MSNBC on YouTube yesterday and they had a professor on talking about the shaming of public figures. She made an excellent point about shame being something that you feel and it is clear that people like Fabricúnt are incapable of feeling shame and actually revel in being stigmatised when people express offence towards them. Shame and stigma seem to be easily conflated by those who seek to offend.
Sadly, there seems to be something intrinsically broken in those who actively seek out power or notoriety. We see it in Johnson, we see it in his adoring minions like Dorries and Fabricúnt and we see it in local nonentities like Dave Smith. Sometimes that brokenness extends beyond just the craving for power and crosses into much more sinister and evil avenues and that's why decent people need to not only be rightly offended by the actions of these people, but also need to make sure they don't succeed.