I'm not defending Letby but just pointing out that
@r00fie1 was making a point about statistics and your chart is the point he was making. That shows 25 child deaths and that Letby was on shift for all of them. That bit is indisputable. The statistical point is that those 25 aren't the total number of deaths on the unit. It looks like she was on shift for 100% of deaths, which anyone would agree, would be pretty damning evidence. However, the total deaths on the ward was higher than 25 and she wasn't on shift for the others and some of the other nurses were. The whole dataset looks something like below (made-up example because I don't have the actual data):
View attachment 78914
The original dataset is just the babies that died while she was on shift so she was obviously going to be present for 100% and nobody else would be but if the whole dataset was presented as I have linked then she was only present for half the deaths and it seems a lot less suspicious and other nurses have also been on shift for a lot of deaths as well.
As I say, I'm not defending her. Just pointing out that statistics aren't always what they appear and people are very easily persuaded by data when they are only presented with some of it. It is cherry picking, and it is often done unintentionally so it is important to know the full context before drawing conclusions from a dataset.