How is your alcohol free journey going?

Brian Marwood

Well-known member
I haven't touched a drop since December last year when I had one G&T and I haven't missed it at all and never actually fancy having alcohol any more.

I certainly don't miss the hangovers after a big session.

It will be odd doing a football tournament completely sober though this summer.
I enjoy a few social drinks on a Saturday night and stick to that I feel like that helps with my mental health.Aslong as you have control and the alcohol doesn't control you then you are fine.If it was giving myself a big problem then I'd go teetotal but I don't feel the need.
I often wake up on a morning, mainly the weekend, but specifically a Monday morning saying to myself while feeling abysmal.... "Fk sake, you've done it again"

I tend not to drink a lot in the week (unless I'm at a gig/work thing occasionally), maybe one or two glasses of wine on a weds, but rarely more than that, but have way too many Fri, Sat, Sun.

Perhaps I need a rethink.
I can go a few months without any, then the depression kicks in and I drink to mask it. On a more cheery note, I love 0% beers and I have maybe 1 or 2 at the weekend, whereas before it would be lots and bottles of wine. Not tasted red wine in 4 years and don't miss it. Vodka is my enemy. Hadn't drank it till the depression started. And well done for not drinking since December mate.
Corona Zero working well, 56 calories per bottle, no hangovers is great, never a big drinker before so easy for me..

Do miss an occasional bottle of white wine with food, have tried 0% wine but it's just not a quality product yet - sickly sweet..
it’s been a tough journey with more than a few ups and downs, a couple of times I’ve nearly caved and fell off the wagon but I thought of my loved ones and managed to stay strong.

To be fair, it’s only been since Sunday and I’ll be having a few scoops at Springsteen tonight to reward myself.
I'll be doing likewise!
I often wake up on a morning, mainly the weekend, but specifically a Monday morning saying to myself while feeling abysmal.... "Fk sake, you've done it again"

I tend not to drink a lot in the week (unless I'm at a gig/work thing occasionally), maybe one or two glasses of wine on a weds, but rarely more than that, but have way too many Fri, Sat, Sun.

Perhaps I need a rethink.
That sounds a lot like me.

In an ideal world I'd like to stick to just Friday and Saturday. I used to be fairly ridged on this.

Now I often have a few on a Thursday, nothing major and usually carry on until Sunday. Like you, every Monday I'm thinking why have I done this again.

No willpower!
I stopped over 20 years ago, when I realised that my mental health was poor and that alcohol would make it worse. I worked away from home a lot and would drink when I was away in hotels to try to get to sleep. However when I got home my daughter wanted to see and play with Daddy, I didnt have room for hangovers as I love my kids so much.
I decided to stop drinking, I told my mates why, they have been great that they have never pressured me to drink, but it also means that I usually have to be the driver. I now find myself happy not drinking, but on the very rare occasion I do enjoy a pint/ glass of wine, but have not been drunk for years.
I still enjoy myself and have fun with the lads with the added benefit that I can usually remember what happened.