Genuinely great human beings in our lifetime

Reverend Wade Watts. This remarkable human being showed what forgiveness was all about. After having his church burnt down, being abused and threatened, he managed to turn the hatred and evil inside the Klu Klux Klan leader, Johnny Lee Clary into love, forgiveness, and redemption.

They became very close friends and Clary sat at his deathbed.

This story always beings a lump to my throat. Every time I read it.


He was an amazing person. @Corcaigh_the_Cat still hasn’t explained why he thought it was funny.

Maybe he has a problem with gay men?

Hard to think of another explanation seeing as he gave a like to a suggestion of Ronnie Pickering….
Well, given I've asked twice and he's been on the board a lot today.....
Ok, but he's not under any obligation to give you an answer and you can't infer anything from that. Maybe CtC wasn't aware of the charity work, not everyone was, I certainly wasn't until about a year ago.
Mike Peters (The Alarm)
Fighting cancer for the 4th time and still gigging and writing and releasing new music.
Boyan Slat. (Google him. He's like Greta Thunberg but with a plan to do something about his issue rather than just complain about it.)