Do Americans eat beans on toast

I’ve always fancied that job. Where did you do it?

What continent are you from now then?
Longest trip I did was from Greece through Italy, Germany, France, Spain, Ireland, Ulster and mainland Britain. Shortest was a week in Britain. It was good fun to switch your life off for weeks at a time. The Americans were mostly really lovely folk. Unlike the stereotypes who never leave the US. Now I'm in London.
I've never seen anyone eat beans on toast in the US. I don't like beans anyway but I'm sure I would have noticed.

Don't dismiss grits. Some aren't nice but sometimes you find a diner that does great grits. With some fruit grits is great with some health benefits too.
My wife is American and I've never seen her eat baked beans at all, let alone on toast. Mind you, she could say the same for me.
The French don’t do beans on toast either.
They also don’t do chip butties
Maybe we are the weird ones?

Grits were the standard food for the poor back in the day