Current cold/cough doing the rounds.

My sister has been a primary school teacher for years.
She said to me, the other day, that its the 5 or 6 weeks after the return to school. The bugs really kick in and the kids attitude changes. :D
One of the few good things about getting old is that during your lifetime you have become immune to most of the cold viruses, so you're rarely affected/infected
You don't develop immunity to colds do you?
No. They are generally new seasonal variants so you don't develop immunity by exposure.

You can improve your general immune system through lifestyle (diet, fatigue, fitness for example) though or it can be weakened other ways (smoking, vitamin deficiencies, underlying health conditions etc).

I would suggest if RH doesn't catch colds as often as he used to, it is probably down his lifestyle leading to an improved immune system or reduce exposure to environments where he is more likely to catch one.
I had a mild but raspy cough for a few days a fortnight ago, felt quite cold and poor sleep for a couple of nights but have no idea what the underlying cause was. I just assumed it was a seasonal cold. However the latest covid re-incarnation is said to be quite virulent, or so I read somewhere.
Woke up in the early hours this morning with the familiar raspy chest and it's now well on the way. Oh goody.
Oh Dear, please can you all wash your hands and wear a mask when using this board. I dont want to catch the lurgy again :)

Hope you all feel better soon.
Aye, cold for two weeks, with a cough. E3rd week cold symptoms gone but still chesty/phlegmy and coffee. 4h week starting to feel under the weather again, still with the chesty coffee phlegm ****.

Go away please, bored of it now.
My wife was in hospital for 5 days and came out with a nagging cough which she duly passed on to me. Tested positive for covid but much milder than last time and both just about over it.
I know I'm tempting fate here, but.... I got back from a lads (old git's) trip to Benidorm just over a week ago. Every other year I'm totally floored with the Benidorm flu when I get back after battering my immune system with late nights and excess drinking. This year .... nothing. I've been fine so far even though the lads I was away with have all suffered.
You don't develop immunity to colds do you?
I think there is over 200 different strains of the cold virus so once you get one and recover you will develop some immunity to that strain but then there are shed loads of other strains that can infect you. As time goes by your immunity to the strain you caught will weaken and good chance you may catch it again at some point in the future.

I drink green tea with honey and cinnamon on a daily basis and eat high strength Vitamin D and 1 garlic clove which seems to keep the virus at bay.
Just getting over it, only mild this time, about 3 months ago had it for 3 weeks & long linger, worst I've ever had..
No. They are generally new seasonal variants so you don't develop immunity by exposure.

You can improve your general immune system through lifestyle (diet, fatigue, fitness for example) though or it can be weakened other ways (smoking, vitamin deficiencies, underlying health conditions etc).

I would suggest if RH doesn't catch colds as often as he used to, it is probably down his lifestyle leading to an improved immune system or reduce exposure to environments where he is more likely to catch one.
You will be immune to the specific cold viruses that you have had before, but yes not the new variants although you will have some immunity depending on how different they are meaning you won't be affected as badly. New variants will still have some antigens recognisable by the immune system.
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6 week cough for us. I had chest x-rays and all sorts and then it just stopped. Weirdest thing ever. Felt like I was dying when coughing and then felt fine a minute later.
Know loads who have. Kids have had it. The eldest (7) is prone to breathing issues with viral wheeze when gets colds. He has a preventative inhaler, but doesn't need it over the summer. Of course that means he's not been using it so it was into hospital with him and back onto the inhaler. Which should keep him out of hospital now. Should grow out of it eventually.

I'm surprisingly resilient, quite often dodge colds when everyone else in the house gets them despite supposedly having a suppressed immune system due to the medication I'm on.

Asked the doctor about it and he pretty much just shrugged, which was the detailed expert insight I was looking for course 😂
People dropping like flies in our office. I'm only just starting to get over whatever it was I had. Was only mild though and has lasted about a week an a half. Stuffy nose and bit of a cough.