Coronavirus good news thread

Good news for Turkmenistan.


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FabioPorkie, I read of the number of deaths recorded today & my heart sunk, now reading this has made me feel a but better, not much mind but any, sort, of good news helps
Seriously the government with all this extra building of hospitals and morgues is planning for the worst case scenario. Seriously people with higher intellects than any of us will have seen what has happened on China, Italy and Spain and gone "hang on we must plan for this 10 fold". Yes the shortage of PPE is a disgrace but it's a worldwide disgrace not just this country.

On a personal note I feel a lot better today. Focussing on the end of this process and not the here and now and any news I'm searching for on the internet I am filtering out the bad news and looking for the good, of which there are lots of examples.
Communities coming together, much like they did during the last world war.
People generally been nicer to each other and looking out for one another and their families.
SMITH and NEPHEW a huge medical group(based in Watford Hull and World wide) have announced they have designed a Ventilator that can be mass produced and have begun production after discussions with the government.
They can produce thousands very quickly..
Shame. I was able to sleep with the window open last night (which I like), but usually I can't do it because of traffic noise. It's what made me realise how quiet it was.
I'm actually used to it now. I find it difficult to sleep when I'm back staying at my mums and there is no traffic noise! odd huh?