Colin from Accounts

So I saw this thread a couple of weeks ago and after the first 3 messages I stopped reading and added it to my sky box. Watched it cold, no idea about it and have to say it was absolutely superb
My wife watched this while I was off galivanting in Ukraine last year. She told me to watch it, so I watched one recently and I'm not keen at all. Maybe I should watch 2 or 3 more?
Do you know where it is available? Just checked iplayer and its not on there yet.
No idea, I automatically download all my shows off the internet as soon as they're aired so I only know that it's been on somewhere, because my phone sends an alert when a show has been updated. This episode came out on the 29th may so uk listings may lag behind but presume it will be available online somewhere
Only streaming in Australia and New Zealand so far. Will probably be on BBC iPlayer eventually as was the first season.
No idea, I automatically download all my shows off the internet as soon as they're aired so I only know that it's been on somewhere, because my phone sends an alert when a show has been updated. This episode came out on the 29th may so uk listings may lag behind but presume it will be available online somewhere