CO2 fivefold price hike

Please fix your mortgage now if you can whilst rates are so low.
Pretty sure I fixed all of mine recently for the next 10 years at about 2% I'd need to check, definitely did some of them. I have 4 mortgages running side by side as we've borrowed more over the years for a house move, then home improvements.
They have to pay for inflated fuel costs to produce. If they don’t many industries in the uk will grind to a halt.

they aren’t going to run it as a massive loss (unless mel morris is in charge)
it would be interesting to see how this flexes through to food. not sure how much the price of CO2 is to kill a chicken but it can't be more than a few pence if that per chicken if that. so in real terms any actual rises may not be severe as the story looks. i hope!

FYI 1 tonne of CO2 is approx 556.2m³

£200 per tonne is £0.36 per m3
£1000 per tonne is £1.80 per m3
Boris and co spending/wasting our cash as usual....he's not fussed, it's thei oiks who will be paying for it all.
But £20 a week to the poorest in society is unaffordable.

Welfare for the poor = BAD
Welfare for international billion $ companies = GOOD

What an absolute waste of air that entire front bench is.