Channel 4 Dispatches - Saturday Night

Morning Roofie.There is a lot to talk about there!

Mandelson, no doubt will have known a lot of influential people throughout his life many of them with some unsavoury personal characteristics. I can’t comment on how close he was to Epstein.

The Tory MP is subject to a police investigation and possibly a CPS charging decision if it reaches the appropriate evidentiary standard for referral. He is presumed innocent. I know nothing of the case but if it was a groundless complaint should he be suspended?

How would his constituents be represented in Parliament?

Should there be a by-election?

The labour councillor according to the Evening Standard ( which I have just googled and read) was arrested very shortly before being elected when he told the party he was suspended and no longer represented the party. I’m not sure what anyone else could have done about him.

Huw Edwards it appears there has been no criminal complaint from the other person and whilst his actions may have been morally very questionable for all sorts of reasons he may not have committed a crime.

The Brand case there hadn’t been a referral to the police and the journalist have investigated and reported if they didn’t surely we would not have learned anything from the Saville/Epstein/Weinstein cases?

These things are very difficult to set hard and fast rules for and I would suggest have to be judged on an individual basis no doubt with some form risk assessment undertaken.

There is a tension between presumption of innocence and public protection. If someone makes a complaint is someone automatically suspended?

If they were there could be chaos in public life or just life in general.

Wooten I know nothing of him or what he is alleged to have done so difficult to comment on really.

Once the police become involved things change and matters have to be treated differently.

Brand is in the public eye, so was Saville and Weinstein. People alluded to bad behaviour from the last two but it was generally just ignored do we want to go back to that way of dealing with things?

The internet is a mixture of a good and a bad thing. It allows people the opportunity to expose potentially very bad behaviour in a way that they never could before but allows inter alia conspiracy theories and trolls to pollute any serious discussion about matters at hand.

It’s very complicated, no easy answers you just have to tread carefully and try not to get too depressed by it all.
The police have already said that there has been no crime committed by Hugh Edwards. Paying an adult on Only Fans or whatever it was is not a crime.
Hugh Edwards claimed he was suicidal. Also claimed he was seeing a mental health counselor.

The media, fearing a Caroline Flack episode, backed off and stopped reporting.

Now Brand has been cancelled, even his income from YouTube cut, maybe it's time for him to go down the same route.
Wasn't that interview Brand did with Jimmy Saville awful? and I believe was on a BBC Radio programme around 2008.

Another bad one for the BBC was the allegation that BBC staff organised for a car to pick up a 16 year old school girl for Brand to ahve sex with from her school gates, when he worked for the BBC.
Wasn't that interview Brand did with Jimmy Saville awful? and I believe was on a BBC Radio programme around 2008.

Another bad one for the BBC was the allegation that BBC staff organised for a car to pick up a 16 year old school girl for Brand to ahve sex with from her school gates, when he worked for the BBC.
Not sure that is correct. What I read was that Brand used the BBC car service to pick her up not that BBC staff organised it.
We shall see.