Channel 4 Dispatches - Saturday Night

Channel 4 have an extended Dispatches Special tomorrow which reportedly involves a ‘mass expose of an obscene amount of high profile comedians’ who have ‘incredibly shocking accusations held against them, including footage that’s been collected over the last 3 years’…

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Shyt.. meet fan
Will assume this has some relevance to stuff that Katherine Ryan mentioned on Louis Theroux's programme..
Will assume this has some relevance to stuff that Katherine Ryan mentioned on Louis Theroux's programme..
Very much so..

there are some right creeps that are hiding in plain sight that are being protected by folks wanting to climb the ladder and not risk their own careers by calling stuff out.

Comedy I’m this country will be much better off with a big purge!
Timed to coincide with a splash in the Sunday papers I’m led to believe

Rumour going round that’s it’s about the me too movement
I've a sneaking suspicion this will be a damp squib. They'll "expose" a couple of people we already know about, and then the rest will be the shocking revelation that professional entertainers use cocaine.
Have to say I thought the same, but then thought how wrong it is for people in power to abuse that privilege, hence the whole schadenfreud thing.

If people have used their position and influence to abuse or break the law then they need calling out and prosecuting.

After all the common person would not be in a position to hide it.