Blair took a bung to end fox hunting


Well-known member
Reported in The Times from Mandelson.

Got me thinking.
25 Tory MPs took bungs from Russian Oligarchsthere such a thing as good bungs and bad bungs?
Ministers take bungs to support gambling, energy and tobacco industries

Is there such a thing as a league table for bungs?

i mean - banning fox hunting shouldn’t need a bung but……
Just to be clear, Blair didn't take a 'bung' personally. It was a donation given to the Labour Party in the year before the 1997 GE when Labour were still in opposition.

But I agree with you, banning fox hunting shouldn't require any form of financial inducement.

Fair enough but It's a fine line tho isn't it?
And goes to the heart of taking money from anyone whilst you are an MP - most expect a return.
I don't care what he took to ban it, he banned it and that's the main thing. Why we ever allowed Tory scum to get their rocks off watching defenceless animals get torn to shreds is beyond me
I do care to be fair. Yes it's an violent and outdated, nasty and brutal practice but politicians shouldn't be this corrupt.

They just shouldn't

It goes to show how desperate the Tories are though doesn't it? This week we have had one MP suspended for taking a bung, and the ongoing Mone/PPE corruption and all the deaths in the COVID enquiry and the death of the asylum seeker all due to the Tories and they know they can't defend all that so they push the "Politicians are all the same" narrative yet they have to go back 27 years to dredge up a story to "prove" it
What about that bloke who is a vegan, but everyday of his shop working life put an order in to have animals slaughtered, chopped up, minced etc. Thing is he took a direct bung into his own bank account every month, and will live off death payments until he too dies. I know theres a fine line between saving animals and ordering them .....well you know
This is the problem with the way political parties are funded. It was a donation, not a bung, but people donate so they have influence. It is for the birds to this that a diner shelling out half a mill to a party wouldn’t have some kind of influence.

Parties should be somehow funded directly from the state, but that would open up a whole new can of worms. But at least it may take some of the influence of wealthy people away.
The problem with our so called democracy is it is easily influenced. Parties need funding and those providing it often do so with ulterior motives.

Then there is the constant lobbying by industry and wealthy individuals. The general public haven’t got an clue and most don’t care either.

Politics is a total illusion. Most MP’s sit and do almost nothing. Certainly when considering their salary and expenses. It’s a sham.
Political parties take money/bungs off unions and organised groups. Im glad accepted, gave the foxes a chance espcially the ones visit my garden. Viva Foxes
As if it still takes a bung/donation to get legislation of this type through!?

What a sad indictment of British politics this is.
The biggest kick in the balls with the way political parties are run is that once you understand that parties do what they need to satisfy donors and not the electorate then you realise who the parties really represent and that isn't a problem if those parties all acted the same.

The problem is that the Tories, as awful as they are, consistently do what is best for their donors. The wealthy get wealthier under Tory rule. Labour are funded by the working classes through unions and yet Labour take those votes for granted and fail to represent the people that fund them and that is why we end up as a country skewed centre-right. Obviously the Tory party is full of MPs who belong to the group their donors come from (or who think they do anyway) so they naturally agree with what their donors are asking where Labour politicians aren't working class, union representatives etc. They are largely middle class professionals playing politics. They have probably got more of a conscience than the Tory lot and understand that they are on the right side of the battle but they don't understand what their donors, the unionised workers, want because they aren't from their world.

Tories represent the wealthy and they don't really budge from that. They get more voters by holding their position and convincing people that they are being represented. Labour chase votes and move their position towards the Tories. If they held their position and spent more time convincing people that their offering represents them more (and this should be true which makes it an easier position) then the country would be better for it.
The problem with our so called democracy is it is easily influenced. Parties need funding and those providing it often do so with ulterior motives.

Then there is the constant lobbying by industry and wealthy individuals. The general public haven’t got an clue and most don’t care either.

Politics is a total illusion. Most MP’s sit and do almost nothing. Certainly when considering their salary and expenses. It’s a sham.
I'd go further than that, democracy is a sham. It's a total joke how billionaires and corporations use their wealth for political and economic gain.

We live in a manifestly unfair world that is heading for a total wreck. As soon as there is any opposition to the master plan the establishment move to quash it, manipulating the masses through the press, media and social media that they own and control.

It's massively depressing. Every country should be ran on a system based on socialism ie. a system that benefits the majority as much as possible.

That corporations profit massively from the need to keep warm or drink clean water and having a fit for purpose sewer system is a disgrace.

That profits are maximised whilst the safety of the safety of the population and the health of the planet is endangered should be illegal.