Better Call Saul ...

I've surprisingly never watched it, therefore couldn't add anything meaningful to this discussion whatsoever?

But I noticed this thread was now on 99 replies, so woo hoo!😁
Even though this is a prequel to breaking bad you're much better off watching breaking bad first. Makes more sense of better call Saul tbh.
Exactly. I was trying to imagine watching BCS first and it definitely wouldn't have the same impact.
We wouldn't be concerned about what happens to Kim.
We wouldn't be wondering how and when Jimmy becomes Saul.
What is that underground thing all about?
Who is that Mike fella? Why is he getting so much attention?
Look! It's Tuco! (Who?)
And so on....
Anybody that likes mike in this should check out some of his early stuff i grew up watching like

Wiseguy (TV series)​

Unfortunately I've just got too much damn stuff to watch to take anything else on right now. I see it was cancelled midway through the 4th season with 3 episodes unaired.