Bad day to be a Tory

I think you are wrong - I'm in the US and I regularly watch BBC news programmes.

Wrong about what?

Are you saying one of the examples I gave didn't happen?

Are you going to offer an example of the BBC news shows being left biased?

If no to both, you're not really saying something you think are you? Just something you want to believe.
Wrong about what?

Are you saying one of the examples I gave didn't happen?

Are you going to offer an example of the BBC news shows being left leaning?

If no to both, you're not really saying something you think are you? Just something you want to believe.
It seems pretty balanced to me - the Tories always complain about its left bias and vice versa.
🤷‍♂️ If you start from a position where you're thinking so long as people on both sides complain about it, that must mean it's balanced, then you just invite sides to make unsubstantiated complaints. Of course the tories complain it's left biased. They're hardly likely to agree they've got it stitched up are they?

It's a bit stupid to just treat anything anyone says with equal weight isn't it? I gave a long old list of examples showing the BBC news bias. If all you've got in reply is basically your gut feeling, then to be quite honest, who cares?
If you're all the way in NZ and scarcely watching the BBCs news output you'll perhaps not realise how right leaning it's become.

In the last election they ran tough holding to account interviews with all the party leaders except for Boris. When Boris turned up to the cenotaph on remembrance Sunday hungover and placed his wreath upside down they 'accidentally' showed the wrong tape from another year. When Boris appeared on a question time debate and the audience were laughing at his stupid replies the BBC 'accidentally' edited out the laughter for later news bulletins.

When Labour announced a policy to nationalise broadband provision the BBC called it 'Internet Communism'. They used a Moscow backdrop when discussing Corbyn on the news. When a stressed out dad had a go at Boris in a hospital Kuensberg found his social media and doxxed the poor guy. The day before the election Kuensberg illegally announced on politics live that the tories had done really well with postal votes.

The balance of guests on politics live, newsnight and question time is always 2, 3 or 4 from the right to 1 from the "left". And usually it's someone on the left who's viewpoint is "Labour should move to the right to be electable". When they go through the newspaper headlines on a Sunday the observer gets introduced as "left leaning". No newspaper ever gets introduced as "right leaning".

So no. Its not balanced. Nobody who claims its left leaning will give you any list like the above to evidence why they think it is.
Summed it up perfectly.
You mean, great day to be a Tory. Whilst the world is distracted by one deviant, the rest of them can get their snouts even deeper in the trough.